Last week, in the eighth leg, Sneha Singh emerged winner as amateurs held sway while Jahanvi Bakshi, who had won the seventh leg was among those tied for fourth.

The Tour resumed a fortnight ago and in the last two starts, the amateurs have shown that they are working towards joining the pro ranks as they matched them shot for shot. When Jahanvi won the seventh leg, amateur Avani Prashanth was second, and last week Avani was fourth again.

Another amateur who has caught the eye is Vidhatri Urs who was Tied-seventh last week.

Siddhi Kapoor was the top pro in the eighth leg even though she was third overall last week. This week she will attempt to take the win all by herself.

Jahanvi Bakshi will tee off in the opening three-ball alongside amateur Smriti Bhargava and seasoned Neha Tripathi, while Sneha Singh plays with Oviya Reddi and Ishvari Prasanna.

Jahanvi’s sister Hitaashee Bakshi is in the three-ball with Saaniya Sharma and Khushi Khanijau.

The Women’s Golf Association of India has been consistent in having six amateurs each week in order to give them more matchplay and also groom them for the future as they get into the professional circuit.