Ap , led by Jonas GahrStoere,a millionaire – known as wealthy champion of 'common people'- bagged 48 in the 169-seat Stortinget assembly – Norweigian parliament . The Sp,led by farmer-turned-politician Trygve SlagsvoldVedum is the largest gainer, grabbing nearly 14 p.c. of the votes — a 3.6 p.c. point hike , to become the third largest group with 28 MPs in Stortinget after Ap and Høyre (H) which bagged 36 seats while the Socialist Left, SosialistiskVenstreparti (SV) with its leader AudunLysbakken won 13 seats. Høyre (H) and its main partner FrP have lost nine and six seats respectively . Ap gained nine, followed by SP’s six and SV’s 2, the three-party coalition the magic figure of 85 to be eligible to form the government. The centre-left group is back to power after eight years.
According to NRK, there will be a change of government. ‘The parties on the left, led by the Labor Party, gained a clear majority. The Center Party is increasing the most from the previous election, while the Conservatives and Erna Solberg are the losers of the election. Here you get the results explained. The struggle for the barrier border is that if the parties get at least 4 per cent of the votes nationally, they can get more members in Stortinget.. Stoere pre-planned to seek support from fringe parties to put together a functioning coalition . The Greens, who demanded phasing out the fossil fuel industry by 2035, trailed polls for a second election in a row, falling short of the 4 p.c. threshold for compensation mandates.
Educated at the Institutd’Etudes Politiques de Paris, Stoere taught at Harvard, He campaigned demanding reversal of tax cuts in order to finance more welfare for “ordinary” people and a “fair” climate policy. He concurs with the Greens that fossil fuel era is to end.“The welfare state must embrace everyone and ensure good schools, a world-class health service and generous care for our elderly, no matter who you are and where you live,” stated his party in the poll manifesto.
Stoere promised a new course of reform before the election day, cheering party members who chanted “Stoere” and clapped The party has promised an industrial policy that will ensure support to new green industries, like wind power, “blue hydrogen” that uses natural gas to produce an alternative fuel, and carbon capture and storage, which seeks to bury carbon dioxide under the ocean.
Sensing post-election horse trading GahrStoere and his party together with Sp and SV assured that they would fight hand in hand to reach their goal: victory. The Socialist Left stated firmly that it won’t offer its support lightly. The Sp has been for a more aggressive approach toward shifting to renewable energy.
The campaign focused on the North Sea oil and gas that has helped make Norway one of the world's wealthiest countries. But fears about climate change have put the future of the industry in doubt. The country’s biggest industry is responsible for over 40% of exports and directly employs more than 5% of the workforce.
Most of Norway's oil and gas is from mature areas in the North Sea, but most of the country's untapped reserves are in the Barents Sea, above the Arctic Circle which is a red line for the greens, who could play a crucial role in securing a majority government.
"There will be some tax increases for example and there will be a different set of priorities”, said DNB Markets Chief Economist Kjersti Haugland He went on to add, .’Yet the total size of the public budget will not be substantially different from if the current government would remain in place."
Ap a social democratic party committed to liberty, democracy and social justice. It is a reformist party that believes in partnership and cooperation on national as well as international level. Sp is for good services close to people provides security and predictability in everyday life. It is of the view that proximity is the answer – not the problem. SV is a mainstream democratic socialist party that pitches itself to the left of Labour. Campaigns typically revolve around a strong public sector, stronger social welfare programs and increasingly, environmentalism.
In contrast the conservative Høyre (H) stresses Christian cultural values, constitutional government and democracy to promote personal freedom and social responsibility, co-determination and ownership rights. (IPA Service)
Sankar Ray - 2021-09-15 11:21
Arbeiderpartiet (Ap), Norway’s Labour Party, partnering with Senterpartiet (Sp), ,Centre Party.andSosialistiskVenstreparti (SV),Socialist Left is set to form the next national government in this Scandinavian country Erna Solberg,Prime Minister of Norway, heading the Høyre (H),Conservatives, has conceded defeat in the general election Her party suffered a setback, losing 4.7 percentage points , which the national broadcaster NRK termed “the election's biggest loser,” shattering the hope of Solberg’s electoral hat trick. Høyre (H)’s coalition partner, Fremskrittspartiet (FrP), Progress Party lost 3.4 percentage points, revealed a preliminary counting of more than 93 per cent of the votes by Norway’s election commission..FrP is Norway's farthest right mainstream party.