The majority of work-related deaths were due to respiratory and cardiovascular disease, the first ever joint global estimates by WHO and ILO has found. The “WHO/ILO Joint Estimates of the Work-related Burden of Disease and Injury, 2000-2016: Global Monitoring Report” released ahead of the XXII World Congress on Safety and Health to be held between 20 – 23 September, 2021 says that work-related diseases and injuries were responsible for the deaths of 1.9 million people in 2016, while about 90 million suffered disabilities. The report assessed 41 pairs of occupational risk factor and health outcome.
A disproportionately large number of work-related deaths occur in workers in South-East Asia (including India) with highest death rate about 45 per lakh, and the Western Pacific with death rate about 37 per lakh. Disabilities rate in South-East Asia regions is about 2100 per lakh, which is highest among all regions. The report notes that total work-related burden of disease is likely substantially larger, as health loss from several other occupational risk factors must still be quantified in the future. Moreover, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic will add another dimension to this burden to be captured in future estimates.
“It’s shocking to see so many people literally being killed by their jobs,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. "Our report is a wake-up call to countries and businesses to improve and protect the health and safety of workers by honouring their commitments to provide universal coverage of occupational health and safety services.”
“These almost 2 million premature deaths are preventable. Action needs to be taken based on the research available to target the evolving nature of work-related health threats,” said Dr. Maria Neira, Director of the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Health at WHO. “Ensuring health and safety among workers is a shared responsibility of the health and labour sector, as is leaving no workers behind in this regard. In the spirit of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, health and labour must work together, hand in hand, to ensure that this large disease burden is eliminated.”
It is worth mentioning here that in May 2021, WHO and ILO had released the first every study that quantified the burdens of heart diseases and stroke attributable to exposure to long working hours which was killing 750,000 workers. The present report has now firmly established that the long working hours in the risk factor with largest work-related disease burden.
The latest report says that non-communicable diseases accounted for 81 per cent of the deaths. The greatest causes of deaths were chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (450,000 deaths); stroke (400,000 deaths) and ischaemic heart disease (350,000 deaths). Occupational injuries caused 19 per cent of deaths (360,000 deaths).
The study considers 19 occupational risk factors, including exposure to long working hours and workplace exposure to air pollution, asthmagens, carcinogens, ergonomic risk factors, and noise. The key risk was exposure to long working hours – linked to approximately 750,000 deaths. Workplace exposure to air pollution (particulate matter, gases and fumes) was responsible for 450,000 deaths.
Globally, work-related deaths per lakh population fell by 14 per cent between 2000 and 2016. This may reflect improvements in workplace health and safety, the report says. However, deaths from heart disease and stroke associated with exposure to long working hours rose by 41 and 19 per cent respectively. This reflects an increasing trend in this relatively new and psychosocial occupational risk factor.
Each risk factor has a unique set of preventive actions, which are outlined in the monitoring report to guide governments, in consultation with employers and workers. For example, the prevention of exposure to long working hours requires agreement on healthy maximum limits on working time. To reduce workplace exposure to air pollution, dust control, ventilation, and personal protective equipment is recommended.
To achieve the SDGs by 2030, especially SDG3 and SDG8, exposure to occupational risk factors and the attributable health loss must be reduced or even eliminated, the report says, while emphasizing that it requires the monitoring of such exposures and health loss, at country, regional and global levels. The report was aimed at enabling the policy makers to do the needful. This allows for more focused scoping, planning, costing, implementation and evaluation of appropriate interventions to improve workers’ population health and health equity. The report shows that more action is needed to ensure healthier, safer, more resilient and more socially just workplaces, with a central role played by workplace health promotion and occupational health services.
“These estimates provide important information on the work-related burden of disease, and this information can help to shape policies and practices to create healthier and safer workplaces,” said Guy Ryder, ILO Director-General. “Governments, employers and workers can all take actions to reduce exposure to risk factors at the workplace. Risk factors can also be reduced or eliminated through changes in work patterns and systems. As a last resort personal protective equipment can also help to protect workers whose jobs mean they cannot avoid exposure.” (IPA Service)
Gyan Pathak - 2021-09-18 09:51
Nobody should get sick or die from doing their job, and yet about two million workers die every year. They are exposed to disease and injury at workplaces, though the risk factors are preventable. It not only strain health systems but also reduces productivity and has a catastrophic impact on household incomes.