W3C develops interoperable technologies for specifications, guidelines, software, and tools to lead the Web to its full potential. It works in tandem with other standards making bodies such as UNICODE, IETF, ICANN, WI PO and ISO, especially in the areas related to web technologies and data interchange through it.

W3C India Office is being launched during this conference to promote and accelerate participation from India in the W3C standards. The office has been established under the aegis of Technology Development for Indian Languages Programme. The futuristic and the very long term goal is to enable all W3C standards with 22 Indian languages so that we can achieve seamless web for every citizen. The W3C India office will work in tandem with all major National Regulatory standards and Industry associations like TRAI, BIS, NASSCOM, MAIT and others.

The technical sessions during two days conference would cover web architecture, web accessibility issues such as Styling, Mobile Web, human machine interfaces, Semantic web, etc.

All academic and R&D institutions (Computer Science, ICT & Electronics & Communication Engineering & Linguistics/ Language), hardware and software industry language technology researchers & other interested groups may participate in these sessions and present their work. Request for making a presentation or attending the conference can be uploaded on the website of W3C India. No Registration fee is required for attending the conference.