Three panels are in the fray – one led by Rohan Jaitley, the other led by Vikas Singh. While Jaitley and Singh panels have put up candidates for all the posts, the third panel led by Siddharth Sahib Singh is selectively contesting and has put up only five candidates. Siddharth Sahib Singh is contesting for the post of secretary and Surya Prakash Sharma is contesting for the post of joint secretary. Others in the panel namely, Ajay Sharma, Gurpreet Sareen and Shyam Kumar are trying their luck for being elected as directors of the organization. DDCA has provision for election of seven directors. There is only one post each for president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and joint secretary.

Siddharth Sahib Singh, who played 26 Ranji matches and was a former director of DDCA explains why he chose to put up a small panel to contest only five posts. According to him his main intention is the give a clean administration. If all members of his panel win they can exert pressure in the 12-member body to get many important decisions passed. He claims that all the members of his panel have a clean image.

Spelling out his priorities he said that equal opportunities and facilities should be given to both men and women cricket teams. He would push the proposal for pension for retired players. His priorities will be to elevate DDCA to a club of international repute with better infrastructure facilities, introduction of insurance and healthcare facilities for players, setting up of a top-class family restaurant and swimming pool of international standards, fair and meritorious selections, inclusion of senior international and national cricketers in the advisory and mentorship committees, extension of voting rights to DDCA affiliated cricket clubs, regular professional inputs and exposure for emerging talent, scholarship for economically weaker players and set up talent scouts for new players.