The major components of “Vision -2020†are preparation of Master Plans, construction of appropriate animal housings and development of other infrastructure in zoos and conservation breeding programme. Besides this, research, record keeping, training in service zoo personnel and international co-operation will be taken care of.. Rs. 800 crores will be required under the project for the next 10 years. The need for Vision 2020 was felt for the better management and future development of zoos with a detailed plan otherwise development may become lopsided.
There are 197 recognized zoos in existence in the country out of which 22 Large, 11 Medium and 34 are Small zoos. There are also 90 Mini zoos/ Deer Parks , 17 Rescue Centers and 23 Circuses.
The functions of the Central Zoo Authority has been defined in Section 38 C of the Wild Life (protection) Act, 1972.It includes specifying the minimum standards for housing, upkeep and veterinary care of the animals kept in a zoo, evaluate and assess the functioning of zoos with respect to the standards or the norms as may be prescribed, recognize or de-recognize zoos, identify endangered species of wild animals for purposes of captive breeding and assigning responsibility in this regard to a zoo, co-ordinate the acquisition, exchange and loaning of animals for breeding purpose, ensure maintenance of stud-books of endangered species of wild animal bred in captivity, identify priorities and themes with regard to display of captive animals in a zoo, co-ordinate training of zoo personnel in India and outside and , research in captive breeding and educational programmes,provide technical and other assistance to zoos for their proper management and development on scientific lines etc.
The Central Zoo Authority provides financial assistance for the activities like improvement of Zoos, conservation breeding of the endangered species, rescue and rehabilitation of the animals whose performance has been banned in the circuses , research and capacity building of zoos personnel and awareness including Trainings.
The Central Zoo Authority provides financial assistance for the activities like improvement of Zoos, conservation breeding of the endangered species, rescue and rehabilitation of the animals whose performance has been banned in the circuses , research and capacity building of zoos personnel and awareness including Trainings.
No new zoo can be established in the country without obtaining the prior approval of the Central Zoo Authority (Section 38H 1A) and orders from the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India. No zoo can operate in India without being recognized by the Central Zoo Authority (Section 38H of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, (1972).
Prior to November, 2007 the management of zoos in India zoos in India was treated a non-forestry activity. Based on the initiative of the Central Zoo Authority, the Ministry of Environment & Forests has issued a notification on 13.11.2007, stating that activities in zoos, if carried out as per the approved management plan, will not attract provisions of the Forests (Conservation) Act, 1980, provide such activities are necessary for management of animals and imparting education and have the prior approval of the Central Zoo Authority.
The Central Zoo Authority provided following financial assistance for preparation of master plan by zoos.For Large zoo Rs. 4 lakh, for medium zoo Rs 3 lakh, for Small zoo Rs 2 lakh and Rs 1 lakh were given for Mini zoo /Deer Park or Rescue center.
An international workshop-cum -training programme workshop -cum-training programme was organized by the Central Zoo Authority at Bhubaneswar during 11-16 April, 2006, to finalize the details for preparation of master plans of zoos. State level workshops/ trainings were also organized for training on the preparation of detailed master plans. The Central Zoo Authority organised 25 state level facilitation meetings during 2008-09 for the preparation of concepts plans and master plans for zoos.
The Central Zoo Authority, in collaboration with the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, the Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh Forest Department and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CISR), has established a Laboratory for Conservation of Endangered Species (LaCONES) at Hyderabad.
The Central Zoo Authority has provided Rs. 759.00 lakhs for the construction of the said facility. The Laboratory carries out genetic fingerprinting of captive stock in Indian Zoos and acts as frozen zoo, besides experimenting on assisted reproduction of wildlife in captive conditions. scrutiny of the Master Plan
The Central Zoo Authority has constituted an Expert Group on Zoo Designing, comprising of a zoo designer, an architect from the School of Planning and Architecture and a civil engineer from the Indian Institute of Technology as members for approval proposed zoo master plans and enclosure designs submitted by different Zoos.
VISION 2020 - Improvement and Development of Indian Zoos
Special Correspondent - 2010-03-05 20:12
New Delhi: The Central Zoo Authority has prepared a document, “Vision2020†for improvement and development of Indian Zoos in the next 10 years (i.e. up to 2020).