The combination of half of genetic codes of each man and woman constitutes the genetic code of the child. Indian Rishi knew it ages ago. The Maha Bharati is tale of achievements and advances by Indians in field of sciences. None of Pandava brother is child of Pandu. Kunti got Karna from Surya, Yudhishthir from Dharmaraj, Bhim by Wind god Pavan and Arjuna is son of Indra. She also got for Madri Nakul and Sahdev from the twin gods Ashwini. 101 children of Gandhari 100 sons and one daughter had not reached their full forms of child in her womb but in small earthen pots. It denotes the science of developing child outside the womb of the mother.

The Mahabharata is the tale of achievements in various fields of science but it was persistently presented as a religious sage to provide incomes for the small proportion of educated class. The last chapter depicted as peace era was lateral addition. Seven American experts in association with the Indian management expert Guru Charan Singh claim it after years of research. It should be obvious to every reader as the chapter Peace Era recommends non violence in governance. The man who killed several thousand fighters by his weapons in the Great War was recommending non violence in governance was a strange phenomenon. The Chapter was added after growth and spread of Jainism and emergence of Buddhism as both insisted for non violence in fourth and fifth century BC. The Maha Bharat is a story of advancement of Indians in variety of fields.

Long before the Mahabharata story began the Indian sage Yagnavakalya had given theory of nine planets including earth orbiting in a set route and time bound precision around the Sun. His theory was announced in 973 BC almost 2500 years before the Italian astronomer Galileo discovered it but could not publish it for fear of the offence it may cause to the Vatican as the Bible written in 6th century before the Christian era began then prevailing.

Almost 6 millennium before the Christian era began, the fully developed society in India had known the art of construction, town planning with open sewage for disposal and also toilet with tap flush system. The evidence found in Harappa and other locations of the same society also indicate Indians had developed art of metallurgy, writing ability but no arms or religion. In between era Indian sages had fully developed systems of mathematics and algebra and also zero. Indians had known arts of writing as the Mahabharata tells. Ganesh had written the script as narrated in one tone by Ved vyas, son of Satyavati and Rishi Parashar before her marriage to king Shantanu of Hastinapur.

Thus Indian civilization was far ahead by at least two thousand years ahead in science development. In seven hundred years under the alien rule India did not need to spend her energies on thinking. Money matters also become important after monetary system was introduced.