How we respond to these threats is key. In crafting responses we must, as last December's review of the EU's security strategy showed, address the links between security and development. There can be no sustainable development without peace and security, and no sustainable peace without development and poverty eradication.
Perhaps that is best illustrated by the most recent piracy incident in the Gulf of Aden, which grabbed newspaper headlines around the world.
Once you look more closely, piracy is only the tip of the ice-berg. It's a symptom of the wider instability around the Horn of Africa, where fragile state institutions and weak development fuel the ills of organised crime; trafficking of drugs, small arms and light weapons; human trafficking; and financing of terrorism.
The right policy response in this and every situation can only be a comprehensive approach. We must tackle the underlying causes of the problem, using the full range of instruments in our 'toolbox'in an intelligent and sophisticated way to address every aspect of the problem.
In the Gulf of Aden the EU has deployed an ESDP mission, our first naval operation, 'Atalanta'. We are looking at measures to facilitate the achievement of our goals, notably by using the provisions of the Instrument for Stability to explore with Kenya and possibly other states in the region ways to enhance their capacity to try piracy suspects. We are also planning to help strengthen the capacity of coastal states to undertake maritime surveillance. Longer term development assistance is also a vital part of the equation including support for state-building and strengthening the rule of law.
This comprehensive approach is the key to success, together with ensuring a multilateral response, in which the United Nations must play a strong role.
In the EU, I have advocated a more holistic approach, inspired by the concept of Human Security. This encompasses action, for instance, against anti-personnel mines, cluster munitions and the proliferation of small arms and light weapons. The European Union also actively supports civil society to tackle security problems early on. The civilian population is most affected by violent conflicts, and working with the people is often the most effective way to stop conflicts from escalating to violence and terror.
A vibrant civil society is an excellent means to prevent injustice, destabilisation and radicalisation. This is the reason why I have used the Instrument for Stability to launch a Peace-Building Partnership with NGOs that are active in conflict-prevention.
Let me give you two more examples of our activities.
1) Afghanistan / Pakistan
Addressing the security challenges posed by Afghanistan and Pakistan is undoubtedly not easy.
Just last week I was in Tokyo at the international donor's conference on Pakistan. There we affirmed the need for all countries in the region to work hand in hand to tackle international terrorism and extremism.
I also announced the first global counter-terrorism measures to be adopted by the European Commission, as part of our new 3-year programme under the Instrument for Stability. Our counter-terrorism work will focus in particular on Afghanistan / Pakistan but also on the Sahel region.
Our development programmes too must pay close attention to security issues linked with terrorism, organised crime and trafficking.
And we must not neglect a fundamental prerequisite for security - credible government structures which inspire the trust and loyalty of citizens. People must be able to trust the representatives of the law and justice system, and most difficult of all - must believe that the future holds opportunities for them.
That's why our work in Afghanistan on good governance and in particular to ensure free and fair Presidential elections in August is so essential. The Commission will contribute to funding the election with Euro 40 million (in addition to our annual funding of Euro 150-200 million). And we are ready to draw on our long experience in electoral observation; we are assessing the feasibility of sending an election mission to the country, providing adequate security can be guaranteed by international and Afghan security forces.
Our new programme under the Instrument for Stability also focuses on trafficking to and from Afghanistan. It complements our ongoing programme with new activities against maritime illicit trafficking in the Black Sea basin.
2) Middle East
A second example I would like to touch on today is the Middle East, a conflict that has to be seen as a series of interlinked problems, including terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
I very much welcome and applaud the efforts of Secretary General Amre Moussa to promote the Arab League's Peace Initiative, which the EU wholeheartedly supports and endorses.
The Middle East conflict has serious implications for the EU in financial political and security terms. And of course for the people of the region it is devastating: reducing their opportunity to live a normal life and improve their circumstances - economic and otherwise.
I firmly believe that our efforts to build up the structures of civilian governance in the Palestinian Authority are vital for guaranteeing peace and security for both sides. Consolidating the rule of law in the areas under Palestinian control and further professionalizing the Palestinian civil police are essential objectives. Furthermore, building the nucleus of a future state and improving the daily lives of Palestinians gives people hope. And hope is the only effective approach to fighting extremism.
More broadly, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction continues to be of great concern. The Instrument for Stability also targets this issue. We are consolidating work already carried out in the former Soviet Union on redirecting scientists, export controls and illicit trafficking. And we will expand our activities to new regions of concern such as the Middle East, and South and South-East Asia. Our aim is to promote a non-proliferation culture of safety and security - including by focusing on regional 'centres of excellence'.
We are of course encouraged by the new US administration's approach as we strive for a comprehensive solution to peace in the region.
Despite the many complex security challenges facing us I am cautiously optimistic about the future. Certainly we face a herculean task, but I am convinced that we are making progress in better tailoring our response to the ever-changing problems we face. A comprehensive approach, coordinated at a multilateral level, taking into account the security - development nexus, is the only effective solution.#
- Benita Ferrero- Waldner is European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy