The fan club could used the minuscule proportion of 1370 million Indian population that came in impact of corona infection with nearly ninety nine per cent recovering to hail the success of the NaMo formula to minimize the social contacts by putting stop to all social, economic, religious activities. It brought the collapse of the economy with impacted recovery. The fan club has another effective argument that 98 percent of fatalities were of old and overwhelming number among them were suffering from other fatal debilities. The pandemic was kept under control due to the formula adopted to combat the disease by the Prime Minister.
The fan club overlooks the psychological impact of the lock down era. Now most states have decided to reopen schools that remained closed for 21 months but most parents are not willing to or are reluctant to allow their children to resume their normal school life. The state governments have given option of continuing the distant education facilities for students not willing to go schools. The option preferred by most middle class parents may leave their kids learning lack of courage to be better option instead of teaching them to be brave.
The intrusion by China forces in the Indian Territory in October 2020 had taught the lesson. Most vocal sections of the ruling party demanded the military action to teach China a lesson but NaMo preferred easing of tension though talks for he obviously knew that with nation in the lock down stage and most families inside their homes, the military solution was a difficult option. The Armed forces also need the support of civilians in periods of armed conflicts and Indians were not read for the conflict.
He had exposed their lack of courage by adopting the lock down formula. Now the middle class is exposing its timidity by forcing their children to attend to their education at home. Most parents forget that schools are not merely platforms to educate children but also venues for converting them to be brave adults. They learn of needs of life not in classrooms but in association with other children as it leads to supplementary education to build their characters.
In schools children come in daily contacts with children of different habits and social environment. Families of same class have different norms, habits and attitudes. Most are good but some are bad and they teach their class mates to avoid bad norms and habits. In first place citizens ought to have been encouraged to figh aggressor rather than be asked to remain locked in their homes. Schools should have been opened long before to give idea of courage needed to fight the enemy. Now the authority needs to study why only middle classes in urban areas of economically suffered and not ten million who walked long distances to reach their homes did not suffer from infection? Not even those who were crammed in buses provided for free ride by the Uttar Pradesh chief minister?
Vijay Sanghvi - 2021-11-09 15:10
In enthusiasm to hail the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, his fan club overlooked the main impact of the 21 months of the lock down to combat the corona virus pandemics. It did have psychological impact to convert the economically and socially advanced classes into timid citizens who preferred to remain inside their closed door homes and kept their school going children also locked inside their homes. As schools and play grounds remained closed in the locked down era there was no alternative though very few children came in impact of corona virus infection.