The Government has accepted the recommendations of the Committee set up by it in this regard in 2009. As per the modified numbering system of National Highways, the NHs predominantly along the North-South direction and along the East-West direction are considered as Primary Routes. The Primary Routes along the North-South direction are being numbered in increasing order from east to west direction as even numbers in 2 digits and the Primary Routes along the East-West direction are being numbered in increasing order from north to south direction as odd numbers in 2 digits. The Secondary Routes are considered as those routes which are either circumferential routes around a Primary Route or a Spur Route originating from a Primary Route. The Secondary Routes are proposed to be numbered in 3 digits, with 2 digits as same as that of the Primary Route Number and the third digit prefixing the 2 digits as either even number or odd number depending upon whether it is a circumferential route around the Primary Route or it is a spur route originating from the Primary Route. Suffixes, such as A, B, C, D, etc. have also been proposed to be used for Secondary Routes with gap numbering in order to accommodate present as well as future such routes.

This information was provided by Shri R.P.N.Singh, Minister of State for Road Transport and Highways in the Lok Sabha today.