The Committee reviewed the progress made so far towards implementation of the programme which was approved by the Government in December, 2009 and the first tranche of Rs 96 crore was released to KVIC from the Budgetary Allocation in the month of February, 2010. This amount is to be utilised in a time bound manner within a period of eight months from the date of effectiveness of the assistance which was announced on 2nd February, 2010.
The action plan includes some significant steps like carrying out comprehensive audit of khadi institutions to be taken up in the first phase, measures to design and register khadi mark, strengthening marketing infrastructure with private participation in the form of establishment of a marketing organisation, improvement in production of raw materials through private participation in central sliver plants of KVIC as well as khadi institutions.
The reform programme has raised expectations of various agencies involved in production and marketing of khadi as well as artisans associated with it.
The meeting was attended by representatives of Planning Commission, Ministry of Textiles, representatives of CII, SIDBI and ADB besides senior officials of Ministry of MSME as well as KVIC.
First meeting of Reforms Implementation and Monitoring Committee on KRDP held
Special Correspondent - 2010-03-12 13:14
New Delhi: The first meeting of Reforms Implementation and Monitoring Committee constituted under the Chairmanship of Shri Dinesh Rai, Secretary (MSME) was held in New Delhi. The Committee will provide policy and technical guidance, review and monitor the progress of implementation of 150 million US dollars Khadi Reforms and Development Programme (KRDP) being held with the assistance of Asian Development Bank