At their meeting yesterday, the two Presidents underlined that the thematic debate on disarmament held in the General Assembly on the same day was significant and timely.
Mr. Takasu briefed Dr. Treki on the open debates held by the Council this month, including on the situation in the Middle East and post-conflict peacebuilding, as well as the forthcoming debates on the working methods of the Security Council, and on women and Peace and Security.
They also exchanged views on recent developments in Africa, particularly neighbouring Chad and Sudan, and the scheduled renewal of mandates of United Nations missions this month.
The President of the General Assembly holds regular meetings with the Presidents of the Principal Organs of the United Nations, as provided for in the relevant resolutions of the General Assembly, to ensure enhanced cooperation and coordination in their work programmes.
Dr. Treki also received the Speaker of the Bangladeshi National Assembly, Abdel Hamid Advocate, who led a delegation of his country's parliament.
The Speaker handed Dr. Treki a resolution adopted by the Bangladeshi Parliament on 5 April expressing support for the 2010 Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference.
They also discussed important issues on the agenda of the current session of the General Assembly, including the forthcoming Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) summit in September and efforts to revitalize of the role of the General Assembly.
Special Correspondent - 2010-04-21 09:21
New York: The President of the General Assembly Ali Treki has met with the President of the Security Council for April, Yukio Takasu of Japan, to discuss important issues on the agendas of the two United Nations principal organs.