Pro-LGBTQ Website, Pink News blasted the Indian-originated Prime Minister as dehumanizing the transgender community for his subtle criticism of them.
Sunak was said to have opined: “Like me, you were probably seeing that he was busy trying to convince everybody that women clearly had penises,” Sunak said. “You all know I am a big fan of everybody studying maths to 18 years old, but it turns out that we need to focus on biology to 18.”
Pink News reported that the video, shared by an anonymous source, is from a June 5 meeting of British Conservative Party politicians with an estimated 100 participants. The prime minister’s comments were met with laughter and agreement from the majority of the crowd.
This is not the first time that Sunak has defended the truth about biological sex and rejected radical gender ideology. Earlier this year, he promptly defined a woman when journalist Piers Morgan asked, “Of course, I know what a woman is. An adult human female.” In the same interview, he emphasized the importance of his daughters being raised “in a society where their needs are respected,” including athletics, private spaces, and safety.
The conservative stance of this youthful Prime Minister, who clearly has refused to abandon his Indian traditional family values and bow to the new mammon in the globe – the LGBTQ god! has won him many admirers.
It is high time that the commonsense views of conservative British politicians take centre stage so that they can be a soothing balm to the persecuted and maligned pro-lifers and religious people especially Christians in the UK.
It is tragic that the two major political parties there – the Conservatives or Tories and the Labour Party- officially support the evil LGBTQ agenda. Both parties put aside their differences in last year’s World Cup at Qatar and made open their foreign policy decision to export this bunkum to the World Cup because of the strategic importance of the round leather game – Five billion people were estimated to watch the last Mondial and so it was apt to attempt to swing public opinion of the world to the side of the ‘oppressed’ sexual minorities.
Thank God that the Qatari authorities blocked the crude and condescending attempt at bare-faced cultural imperialism under the misguided guise of ‘human rights’ of the suppressed gay community members in the Islamic country.
The Labour and Opposition Party Leader, Sir Keir Starmer famously boycotted the event – Good riddance to hocus pocus if you ask me. As they say in Nigerian linguistic shibboleth – Who e epp?
Conservatives in the UK once a bastion of undiluted Christianity where the then Tudor King Henry VIII was called ‘Defender of the Faith’ by the Papacy before he fell out with Rome and founded the Church of England or Anglican Church in 1534. That same Church now backs the LGBTQ agenda which is not surprising given its murky origins as the founder was a cold-blooded murderer who ruled by the chopping block and a serial adulterer with his famous six wives.
It is high time that Christian Conservatives work assiduously for the repeal of all the obnoxious pro-LGBTQ laws in the House of Commons and restore normalcy to the spiritually troubled nation as well as ultimately restore Westminster Abbey to the original purpose for which King Edward the Confessor built it in 1050.
Well Done Rishi Sunak! (Arabian Post — IPA Service)
Tony Ademiluyi - 2023-06-20 14:11
Lifesite News did a recent report on a leaked video that showed the British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak mocking the idea that gender-confused men are biological women.