The IPI says Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s “weaponisation of the law against critical journalists has also become increasingly common” under Modi’s regime. IPI was joined in the attempt to weaponize the Biden administration against Modi by several rights groups even as the Biden-Modi bonhomie lit up New York and Washington.
Clearly, the government of the United States does not agree with the IPI, nor with the view of rights groups and US lawmakers who too have asked Biden to pull up Modi for alleged rights transgressions. Contrary to observations, India’s democracy isn’t on the slide. The very fact that opposition parties can call a conclave against Prime Minister Narendra Modi and lay out a preamble against his poor governance is proof that freedoms are not being suppressed totally. There are some curbs but still, the press freedom is not totally ruined.
The other day a Congress social media activist tweeted an article calling for civil war if Modi wins a third term in 2024. The BJP IT Cell reacted in bits and pieces. Nobody got arrested or jailed. Of course, Siddique Kappan is the flip side. Kappan was put behind bars and the draconian UAPA was slapped on him.
Biden’s national security advisor Jake Sullivan does not consider alleged “challenges to press, religious or other freedoms” in India should be a concern for the United States. His defense: “we make our views known”, but we do so in a way where we don’t seek to lecture or assert that we don’t have challenges ourselves”.
For some reason IPI sees there is “alarming deterioration” of Press freedom in India. The Biden administration, however, looks at the complaint differently. There are apparently “six journalists currently being detained for alleged violations of Indian security laws.” The IPI will gain credibility if it investigates and nails Narendra Modi with facts. It is a fact that those alleging deterioration of Press freedom never back their assertions with evidence.
Does Press freedom mean a news channel can carry something like “wannabe dictator speaks at the White House after having his political rival arrested” and not be punished? The news channel reacted to criticism by sacking the television producer. Did something of the sort happen in India courtesy the Modi government?
Come to think of it, Siddique Kappan after his release from jail went all out ballistic against the Modi regime. So far nobody has called Prime Minister Narendra Modi a “wannabe dictator”. He has been called worse. Press freedom, if it has suffered under Modi, could mean that a whole number of celebrated television anchors have been made to sing Narendra Modi’s praise, assuming that deep down in their guts they hate Modi’s guts.
How can free spirits like Anjana Om Kashyap, and Arnab Gowsami, be compelled to forever give clean chit to Narendra Modi? If they cannot or would not stop giving cover fire to Narendra Modi, it does not mean dictator Modi is suppressing freedom of Press.
It is not that news organizations don’t have the leeway to say, show, write what they want. Where there’s will, there is also way. NDTV never stopped questioning Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Modi government did not censor NDTV.
Pressure, if there was any, did not force NDTV to tow the government line. The point is if NDTV could do it, the so-called ‘Godi Media’ could have also. The fact is, news organizations willingly bartered their Press freedom for pelf! As long as there are journalists with a yen for money, Press freedom will be hostage to paymasters.
Imagine a once upon a time salaried NDTV journalist today owns the Republic. How does that work? The Modi government did not put a gun to his head. But he wouldn’t like the 'Tucker Carlson', question the government, and the “wannabe dictator”. To reiterate, it is not the Modi regime which has become dictatorial, it is the sold-out journalist and media barons who have bartered Press freedom for existence. Narendra Modi is only taking advantage of the media's pusillanimity. (IPA Service)
Sushil Kutty - 2023-06-22 11:49
This column has called Prime Minister Narendra Modi all possible names including those bordering on the ‘libel’. So far, Alhamdulilah, Modi hasn’t let the wolves on the column. But it is a fact that wringing Modi in the Press Freedom grinder wouldn't make a difference to Press freedom in nine years of Modi’s India. Yet the International Press Institute (IPI) has asked US President Joe Biden to read the riot act to Prime Minister Modi for curtailing Press freedom during Modi’s State visit.