The country and its people suffered on all counts under ten years of BJP rule. The rise of unemployment to the level of 29 percent this year, joblosses a common scenario with closure of almost 30 percent of the start ups in the country. There were 121 start ups that laid off 34785 employees in 2022 and 15247 employees were laid off by 69 companies in 2023. Shanghai Banking Corporation estimates that India needs to create 70million (seven crore) jobs in the next decade but would end up may be upto only about 2.4 crore. Almost thirty percent of MSMEs who died during demonetisation never could begin their work, the way GST brought and implemented further became hurdle for smaller sector which is actually the biggest job provider.
IT firms Infosys, Tata Consultancy Services, Wipro have been reducing services of engineering graduates by 30 percent (this is for hiring) from IIT 40 percent to be reduced for any jobs after studies. No new recruitments and rather jobloss and wage depression build up the real scenario. The statistics by Labour Bureau, Statistical Institute, NSSO were put on halt by the government to hide the truth from people. Later on with changed criteria, they tried to Camouflage figures. The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) was bringing out the huge irregularities in the spending of the welfare scheme funds, a circular was served to the body by Government to stop printing reports.
The policies to squeeze public sector apart from all out attempts to disinvest, privatise and sell out have been followed. The chosen corporates, Indian and foreign brands are favoured to acquire businesses and service sectors as opposed to national interest. Almost 50 percent of the funds in PMCares fund came from the CSR of our Public Sector Enterprises and we all know that it is a non-transparent trust headed by Prime Minister himself, unaccountable to Parliament, CAG and the Right to Information Act. It is an all out scam as nobody knows how these funds are being spent.
Electoral Bonds policy has come out as the biggest scam of independent India. The Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional and the prime minister is justifying the policy and now his finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman has come out with the statement that if their party is voted to power they will bring back Electoral Bond policy. This is open admission that this ruling conglomeration does not respect the Constitution of the country rather considers its violation as their right.
The Electoral Bond became a system of compromise policy for corrupt practices to continue. If a company is under scanner of ED, CBI and others and it becomes the case that the Electoral Bonds are bought by this company and then same are encashed by BJP, the file goes back to shelf and all actions against the company are stopped henceforth. Such a ruthless loot that endangers the lives of people are to benefit the companies to the advantage of the ruling BJP.
The company which had the contract of construction of Silkyara tunnel in Uttarakhand and did not abide by the safety measure risking the lives of our workers continued to defy law as because that company had also purchased electoral bonds which were mainly encashed by BJP. Take the case of Pharma companies who were making spurious medicines endangering the lives of its users, especially during Corona pandemic making people of all communities becoming victims to them. When the exposure was made and action had to be initiated, the money from the Electoral Bonds bought by these companies reached BJP accounts, and the enquiries stop and the spurious medicines continue to be manufactured and supplied in the markets.
Take the case of PM Jan Arogya Yojna, 7.5 lakh beneficiaries were registered with one mobile. Money was released for treatment of patients among whom 3446 were already dead. Also 88760 patient had died during treatment but claims were cleared for fresh treatment in which those dead were again included. Look at another fraud, when 25.5 lakh applications were scrutinised for minority scholarships. Scholarships granted whereas among these 6.5 lakh applicants were nonexistent.
The policies are all out to benefit the companies of Adani and Ambanis and likes at the instance of PMO. LIC was made to invest Rs 56142 crores in Adani companies. GIC companies are being squeezed to benefit private companies. Almost Rs.1,65,000 crore of Social Security money of our workers is in pipeline being handed over to Adani. SBI was made to give Rs 8000 crores for Adani to start his mining work in Australia and the contract negotiated with PM in presence, as was done in the case of Rafale deal that Ambani accompanied PM and Dassault aircraft company had come out with the truth that PM wanted to give the contract to Ambani and not our public sector company HAL.
Laws on coal were changed thrice to benefit Adani and he saved Rs 830 crore. Four coal power plants, 18 mines, coal trading operations and 75 percent of power generation by Adani is relying on imports. All this is damaging our PSUs in coal. Ports, Railway platforms, enhancing private trains at the cost of affordable services to common masses, forcible corporatisation of government defence factories, oil sector and electricity privatisation moves, commercialisation and communalisation of education, weakening public health system to give advantage to the private corporates to have more business in health. Lack of essential services of water and sanitation are common scenario.
Adani- Modi nexus is open truth and all out efforts to block any discussion on Hindenburg report in Parliament was to save his friend from criminal cases of frauds. Whereas the whole government machinery is active to harass opponents through ED, CBI, UAPA, NSA, NIA etc. and exonerate those who join BJP bandwagon.
Modi government has deepened the inequalities to dangerous levels. The latest worldwide inequalities report had revealed that the top one percent Indians own 40.5 percent share in the total wealth of the country where as bottom 50 percent population has only three percent share in wealth.
The trade unions who are the leading force to resist these pro-corporate policies of the Government are being targeted. The labour reforms and codification of Central labour laws into four codes has been pushed as a policy by the government and being resisted by the workingclass through its struggle led by unions unitedly through a joint platform of Central Trade Unions. The government has clearly stated that they would implement these codes if voted to power. The farmers were also cheated by the BJP by only false promise of doubling their income. They valiantly fought against three farm laws, and Modi had to withdraw these laws in face of election in UP and Uttarakhand, but failed in fulfilling the promises given to farmers at that time. They are fighting back under their banner of Samyukt Kisan Morcha.
The track record of BJP rule on women conditions has been deplorable. Be it the case in Manipur, remission to the culprits of Bilkis Bano, or the midnight disposal of the rape victim young girl in Hathras, or the victims of Sengar in UP, the sexual harassment victim girls of Banaras Hindu university, the guilty in the case were being protected, or the case of our medal winner young women wrestlers whose perpetrator continues to be favourite of PM, and soon, the list is long.
Failed on all promises of employment, price rise control, women empowerment, skill training, doubling income of farmer produce etc, moved to sell farmers land and PSUs land to his corporate friends, he has stooped so low that he has once again resorted to use communal language to spread hatred for vote gaining.
This is not only damaging to the unity of our working masses, but to whole of social fabric of the country endangering unity and integrity of the country. No respect to federalism, and no respect to harmonious living of people with varied religions, languages and culture. BJP is the real Tukde Tukde gang. Hate speech of Modi targeting Muslims, calling them infiltrators and producers of more children, and then telling the lies about the statement of former Prime Minster, to say that Mangalsutra will be snatched to give share to Muslims, is worst kind of statements. He may further go down the gutter. He is shaken, and is afraid of defeat. The Surat seat is stage managed and many more would be attempted. He and his coterie knew the ground situation and that is why the law was changed for selection of election commissioners of their choice, the master’s voice.
The working class should play its historic role in vigorously participating in elections to defeat BJP in the interest of safeguarding Constitution, harmonious living, freedom and sovereignty of our country with secular democracy as practise and to march forward to socialist society.
Hence the pledge on May Day, 2024 is – Defeat BJP, Save the People, Save the Nation. (IPA Service)
Amarjeet Kaur - 2024-04-26 11:35
May Day 2024 falls during the on-going election campaign for 18th Lok Sabha in the country to decide the destiny of this great composite culture and civilization once again. We want that the people choose to vote out the disastrous rule of RSS-BJP and would resolve for prolonged battles ahead to put the country back to functional democracy, respect to core values of right to dissent and freedom of expression, respect and acceptance of the pluralism of religious beliefs, languages, culture, food and dress habits as enshrined in Indian Constitution.