Among the policies King Charles announced in the House of Lords were the renationalisation of rail, lifting the ban onshore wind, ending tax breaks for private schools, the creation of a state-owned energy investment and generation company, and rolling out the New Deal for Working People. This New Deal containing lot of benefits for the working people was the centre of discussion among the trade unions. Even the supporters of Jeremy Corbyn gave the Deal cautious support.
Labour’s long-promised Employment Rights Bill, which came with a pledge that it will be introduced to Parliament in the first 100 days of the government, will ban “exploitative” zero-hours contracts and fire-and-rehire practices, add extra rights such as on flexible working, and make parental leave, sick pay and protection from unfair dismissal day-one rights.. The immediate response came from TUC general secretary Paul Nowak who commented ‘The King’s speech begins the process of repairing and rebuilding Britain after 14 years of chaos and decline during Tory rule.
The TUC leader said that the Starmer Government’s commitments to deliver a genuine living wage and remove the discriminatory minimum wage bands will be a vital stepping stone towards making work pay and ensuring everyone has security and respect at work. There was satisfaction among the trade unions that there was serious intent in the King’s speech about respect to the workers rights and the concept of renationalization including the British railways.
The TUC general secretary also welcomed Labour’s draft Equality (race and disability) Bill, which will set out equal pay rights for people from minority ethnic groups and disabled people, including mandatory ethnicity and disability pay reporting for bigger employers.
Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said: “The NHS and our public services are on their knees, staff are leaving in droves and our infrastructure is crumbling, substantial investment will be needed to tackle the cliff edge we face. That fact is undeniable. “Now is not the time for the government to be straitjacketed by self-made fiscal rules, leaving us entirely reliant on growth, which may not arrive in time.”
The King’s Speech outlined plans to reform rail franchising, establish Great British Railways and bring train operators into public ownership, alongside additional investment in high-speed rail across the north of England. Labour also announced major planning reforms under its Planning and Infrastructure Bill. They are aimed at helping meet the goal of building 1.5 million more homes over the course of the parliament.
Communist Party of Britain general secretary Robert Griffiths said Labour is placing “almost total reliance” on big business market forces to produce economic growth and investment, new housing, and cheaper energy. A spokeswoman for Momentum said: “Socialists can take one clear message from today's King's Speech: It’s time for Labour members to push for the bold and progressive change that Britain needs.”
The Communist Party of Britain has called for a mass movement to fight for public ownership, social justice and peace following the King’s speech on Wednesday..General secretary Robert Griffiths noted that Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has said his government aims to “under-promise and over-deliver.” “He's certainly achieved the first aim in the King’s speech, despite Labour enjoying the second biggest majority at Westminster since the 1930s,” Mr Griffiths said. “Even so, there’s less than meets the eye in the government’s plans for 40 parliamentary Bills over the next 12 months.
“What will be done to lift four million children out of poverty? How will huge wealth inequalities in Britain be eliminated? “When will the greedy, polluting profiteers be flushed out of the privatised water industry altogether? What about funding for local government services? “When will women finally receive pension justice? How will tenants be protected against rent-wracking landlords?”, Griffiths asked.
Starmer’s first policy declaration through King Charles’s speech has given big focus on domestic issues to the satisfaction of the trade unions, but the tone of foreign policy remains the same like the Tories continuing support to NATO in its fight against Ukraine and supporting US policy on Israel. Labour left and the Communist Party through their proposed mass movements will highlight the foreign policy aspect and put pressure on the new Labour Government for delinking itself from NATO and US moves. (IPA Service)
Satyaki Chakraborty - 2024-07-18 12:06
The first policy speech of the new Labour Government in Britain given by the King Charles in the Parliament on July 17 was welcomed by the powerful trade unions of the country which were eagerly waiting for the unfolding of the package for building a robust economy by simultaneously improving the living standards of the workers and the common people.