The ESF arrangement for Senegal was approved on December 19, 2008 to help the country meet a larger balance of payments need brought about by higher food and energy prices. On June 19, 2009, the Executive Board approved a financial increase under the ESF arrangement by SDR 72.81 million (about US$107.3 million) to SDR 121.35 million (about US$178.8 million) and an extension of the arrangement from 12 to 18 months to help finance the balance-of-payments impact of the global economic crisis.

The Executive Board has also completed the fifth review under the Policy Support Instrument (PSI) for Senegal. The three-year PSI for Senegal was approved on November 2, 2007 to support the country's economic reform efforts. It is aimed at consolidating macroeconomic stability, increasing the country's growth potential, and reducing poverty. The Executive Board also approved a waiver for the nonobservance of the assessment criterion on the basic fiscal balance.

Following the Executive Board discussion on Senegal, Mr. Murilo Portugal, Deputy Managing Director and Acting Chair, stated:

“Following food and fuel price shocks in 2008, economic activity slowed further in 2009 because of the global economic downturn and domestic shocks, including temporary electricity shortages. While some uncertainties about the economic outlook persist, recent indicators suggest that economic growth may have bottomed out. Growth is projected to gradually recover. Consumer price inflation, which was negative in the second half of 2009 due to international price developments and the absence of domestic demand pressures, is expected to return to its long-run trend.

“The government is envisaging medium-term fiscal consolidation and continuing to fully normalize relations with the private sector. While the risks of debt distress are low, the temporary fiscal stimulus will need to be gradually reduced to reach the deficit target consistent with debt sustainability. The government is committed to a swift and transparent settlement of remaining extrabudgetary spending and agency debt. This should support the economic recovery and allow more space for the government to pursue its objectives of raising growth-enhancing public investments and sheltering priority spending.

“It will be important to continue with structural reforms to help achieve the objective of raising growth. Further public financial management reforms are needed to make expenditure planning and control more effective. Investment projects should be selected and prioritized based on rigorous economic cost-benefit analysis to raise the productivity of government spending. The energy sector reform plan needs to be fully and promptly implemented to limit fiscal and economic risks. Sustained efforts are also required to enhance the financial sector's contribution to the economy.”