Israel becomes the 85th member of the so-called Madrid Protocol for the International Registration of Marks, which is administered by the UN World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The protocol will become operational in Israel on 1 September.
“Israel's membership of the Madrid Protocol offers a valuable option for Israeli enterprises to export and leverage Israeli brands in international markets with significant opportunities for business development,†said Francis Gurry, the Director General of WIPO.
Under the Madrid System, a trademark owner may protect a mark in up to 85 countries by filing one application in one of three languages - English, French or Spanish - with one set of fees in Swiss francs.
Applicants wishing to use the Madrid system must apply for trademark protection in a relevant national or regional trademark office before seeking international protection. An international registration under the Madrid system produces the same effects as an application for registration of the mark in each of the contracting parties designated by the applicant.
Trademarks are a key component of any successful business marketing strategy as they allow companies to identify, promote and license their goods or services in the market and to distinguish them from those of their competitors.
Special Correspondent - 2010-06-02 10:53
New York: Israel formally has joined the United Nations-backed international system which offers trademark owners a cost-effective and easy to access means of protecting and managing their brand names and logos internationally.