However, what is of concern to Indian textile industry is the dumping of textile material by China as Dr R.S.Pujar, Director of the Sardar Vallabhai Patel Institute of Textile Management (SVPITM) said “it is definitely going to effect the textile industry because the common people would like to have cheaper variety of textiles which are available. As far as growth of textile
industry is concerned, it is a cause of concern and due to this the textile associations have taken up the matter with the Ministry of Textiles. The government is working on various interventions for it definitely has to be curbed otherwise it would affect the growth of the domestic textile industry.”

But, he observed that currently there is decline in the textile sector in China because labour costs having gone up in that country leading to slow down in production.

He felt that what is definitely a cause of concern is that Bangladesh and Pakistan are able to produce larger amount of textile goods and the advantage for these two countries is that labour is cheap and so they are giving tougher competition to India in the international market.

Despite this, Dr Pujar said that the textile sector was now eyeing emerging markets rather than sticking to the European and American countries.

“What we are now doing is shifting the focus to Japan, South East Asia and African countries so that the export markets are sustained and also now the textile industry is looking at the domestic consumption and that is a very positive development since India has a large population which can absorb what the industry is producing for the domestic requirement, he said.

However, what has been causing concern in the textile sector, Dr Pujar said was “lack of power and labour and these are the two areas where I can see problems.”

However, he said efforts were on by the government to increase power generation but due to competition from other sectors since many industries are coming up, the farmers are suffering for lack of power and that is the present situation.”