The team from the UN-AU peacekeeping mission (UNAMID) brought food and non-food items provided by several humanitarian groups to Khor Abeche, which is located 80 kilometres north-east of the South Darfur capital of Nyala.

Some 600 people that fled the village following the two attacks, which occurred on Friday and Saturday, are currently in front of UNAMID’s team site where the mission is providing them with temporary humanitarian assistance.

UNAMID peacekeepers conducted patrols to the village today and observed Sudan Liberation Army/Minni Minawi combatants in the general area, the mission said in an update.

“The current security situation in Khor Abeche is improving, but remains tense,” stated UNAMID, which will later report on its findings.

Joint Special Representative Ibrahim Gambari, the head of UNAMID, démarched the Sudanese Government at the highest level on Saturday for the attacks on the village to cease.