The draft report has been prepared by a Committee constituted under the Chairmanship of Joint Secretary (Mineral & Regulation). The terms and reference of the Committee are as below:
To detail out the role of IBM in the light of the NMP 2008 and the MM (DR) Act and Rules made there under.
To make recommendations on the strengthening required in making IBM an effective regulator promoting scientific mining with particular reference to Mining Plan, Mine Closure Plans and Sustainable Development Framework
To lay down the framework of a comprehensive and transparent mines & minerals information system enabling progression into the Mining Tenement & Registry by IBM.
One of the important policy provisions of the National Mineral Policy 2008 is to improve the regulatory environment to make it more conducive to investment and technology flows. The Policy emphasized for giving priority for development of a proper inventory of resources and reserves, a mining tenement registry and a mineral atlas. The Policy also lays stress on enforcement of mining plans for adoption of proper mining methods and optimum utilization of minerals and for this purposes recommended for strengthening of the Geological Survey of India (GSI), the IBM and the State Directorates of Mining & Geology. In this regard, the Secretary mentioned that restructuring of GSI has already been done by a High Powered Committee and on the same lines restructuring of IBM is being done based on the today’s inputs on the report of the Committee. He mentioned that in the case of GSI, a Technical Assistance programme of international standard was being planned and he said that in due course, IBM will be similarly in a position to receive Technical Assistance.
The suggestions covered the area of restructuring of IBM and made recommendations on Clear Accountability, Standard Processes, Coverage for inspections and information, Faster Flow of Information with respect to regulatory role of IBM. Sustainable development is in forefront of the Mining sector and Mine closure plans, progressive mine closure plans and environmental aspects of mining are some of the important discussions covered along with the steps to be taken for finalizing the recommendations.
Meeting on Restructuring and Review of Indian Bureau of Mines with Stakeholders’ held
Special Correspondent - 2010-12-20 17:26
New Delhi: The Secretary, Ministry of Mines, Shri S. Vijay Kumar chaired the Stakeholders’ meeting on Review and Restructuring of Indian Bureau of Mines today. The meeting was attended by representatives from State Governments, mineral industry, Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM), GSI and FIMI. This meeting was held to discuss the Draft Report on the issue, which is available on the website of Indian Bureau of Mines since September 2010.