The Ministry has also taken a number of steps towards implementation of the recommendations of the Prime Minister’s High Level Committee on Social, Economic and Educational status of the Muslim Community of India (popularly called the Sachar Committee). The steps include, implementation of three scholarship schemes namely Pre-matric, Post-matric and Merit-cum-Means Scholarship Schemes for students belonging to minority communities. Besides, Maulana Azad National Fellowship Scheme for M.Phil. and Ph.D. students and Free Coaching & Allied Scheme have been implemented for minority students. Also, under Multi-sectoral Development Programme (MsDP), which is a special area development programme, approvals have been given for construction of 559 school buildings; 6,679 additional class rooms; 37 hostels and 34 laboratories for primary, secondary, higher secondary / college education in 90 Minority Concentration Districts (MCDs) where there is substantial minority population including Muslims. The follow-up action of the implementation of the recommendations of Sachar Committee is regularly reviewed on quarterly basis.

Following is the status of various schemes/programmes being implemented by the Ministry of Minority Affairs during 2010 :


A centrally sponsored scheme of pre-matric scholarship for students belonging to the minority communities, pursuing studies from class I to class X, is being implemented since 2008-09. The scheme is being implemented through the State Governments / Union Territory Administrations with funding being shared between the Centre and States in the ratio of 75:25; but in the case of Union Territories 100% financial assistance is provided by the Centre. Students with not less than 50% marks in the previous final examination whose parents’ / guardians’ annual income from all sources does not exceed Rs. 1.00 lakh are eligible for award of the pre-matric scholarship.

An outlay of Rs. 1,400 crores has been provided in the Eleventh Five Year Plan to award 25 lakh scholarships during the plan period (2007-12); of which 30% have been earmarked for girl students. An amount of over Rs. 202 crore was released and over 17.29 lakh scholarships were sanctioned during 2009-10. A target of 20 lakh scholarships for 2010-11 has been set and the financial allocation for the year is Rs 450 crore. Till 30th Nov. 2010 over 23.34 lakh scholarships had been granted under the Scheme.

A scheme of post-matric scholarship for students belonging to the minority communities pursuing higher education from class XI up to Ph.D., including technical and vocational courses of Industrial Training Institutes / Industrial Training Centers (affiliated to NCVT) of class XI and XII level was approved in November 2007 and launched in December, 2007. This is a centrally sponsored scheme to be implemented through State Governments / Union Territory Administrations with 100% funding by the Central Government. Students having not less than 50% marks in the previous final examination and whose parents’/guardians’ income from all sources does not exceed Rs.2 lakhs are eligible for award of a post-matric scholarship.

It is proposed to award 15 lakh scholarships during the Eleventh Five Year Plan period (2007-12). An outlay of Rs.1150 crores has been provided for the Plan period. An expenditure of Rs.265 crore has been allotted for the scheme during 2010-11 and the target is distribution of 4 lakh scholarships; against which more than 3.59 lakh scholarships have already been distributed up to 30th Nov. 2010.


The merit-cum-means scholarship scheme is a centrally sponsored scheme launched in 2007. It is being implemented through State Governments/Union Territory Administrations. The entire expenditure is being borne by the Central government. Scholarships are available for pursuing professional and technical courses, at under-graduate and post-graduate levels, in institutions recognized by the appropriate authority under the scheme. 20,000 scholarships are proposed to be awarded every year. 30% of these scholarships are earmarked for girl students, which may be utilized by boy students, if an adequate number of eligible girl students are not available.

Seventy institutes for professional and technical courses have been listed in the scheme. Eligible students from the minority communities admitted to these institutions will be reimbursed full course fee. A course fee of Rs.20,000/- per annum will be reimbursed to students studying in other institutions. To be eligible, a student should have secured admission in any technical or professional institution, recognized by an appropriate authority. In case of students admitted without a competitive examination, students should have secured not less than 50% marks. The annual income of the family from all sources should not exceed Rs.2.50 lakhs.

An amount of Rs.135 crore has been allotted for the scheme during 2010-11 and the target is distribution of 20,000 scholarships. Till November 30, 2010 over 16,000 fresh scholarships have been granted and over 17, 000 renewed.


The scheme was revised and launched in July 2007 and a cumulative total of more than 15,000 students/candidates have benefited till date. During 2009-10, the achievement was 5,532 persons. The target for 2010-11 is 5,760, out of which 4,725 students have already benefited up to 30.11.2010; an amount of over Rs. 7.38 crore has been sanctioned during the year under this scheme.


National Fellowship Scheme for Minority students, launched during 2009-10, provides integrated five year fellowships in the form of financial assistance to students from minority communities, as notified by the Central Government to pursue higher studies such as M. Phil and Ph.D. The scheme covers all Universities/Institutions recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC) under section 2(f) and section 3 of the UGC Act and is being implemented by the Ministry of Minority Affairs through UGC for students belonging to the minority communities. The fellowship under National Fellowship is on the pattern of UGC Fellowships awarded to research students pursuing regular and full time M. Phil and Ph.D courses. Under the scheme 756 new fellowships are to be awarded every year to scholars belonging to minority communities. During 2009-10 a total of 755 fellowships were awarded.

The budget available for National Fellowship Scheme for Minority students in 2010-11 is Rs.30 crore as against Rs.14.90 crore sanctioned last year. Renewal of the fellowships awarded in the previous years will also be carried out under the scheme.


The Maulana Azad Education Foundation (MAEF) was established in 1989 as a voluntary, non-political, non-profit making society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860. The main objectives of MAEF are to formulate and implement educational schemes and plans for the benefit of the educationally backward minorities in particular and weaker sections in general, and to facilitate establishment of residential schools, especially for girls, in order to provide modern education to them.

The Foundation is implementing its schemes out of the interest earned on its Corpus Fund, which is its only source of income. The Corpus Fund has been provided to the Foundation as part of plan assistance. The Corpus fund, which stood at Rs.200 crore in the year 2006-07 has now been enhanced to Rs. 700 crore. The paid-up corpus as on date is Rs. 550 crore. During the current Financial Year till 30.10.2010 the MAEF has sanctioned Grants-in-aid to 376 NGOs amounting to Rs. 50.14 crore under its grants-in-aid scheme. A total number of 18,000 scholarships under Maulana Azad Scholarship for Meritorious Girl Students will be distributed during this Financial Year for which action is under progress.


The Scheme for Leadership Development of Minority Women was transferred from the Ministry of Women and Child Development to Ministry of Minority Affairs. It was formally launched on 27th January 2010. The Sachar Committee Report has highlighted the fact that India’s largest minority group, the Muslims numbering 13.83 crore have been left out of the development trajectory. Within this group, Muslim women are doubly disadvantaged. To ensure that the benefits of growth reach these deprived women, it is proposed to implement the scheme as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme in pilot mode. Through this scheme, such women would be provided with support, leadership training and skill development so that they can move out of the confines of their homes and community and begin to assume a leadership role in accessing services, skills and opportunities.

The scheme is to be implemented throughout the country with special focus on districts, blocks and towns/cities having a substantial minority population. Rs. 15 crore is the allocation for the year 2010-11 during which 56,850 women are to be trained.


National Minorities Development And Finance Corporation (NMDFC) is a Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSE) functioning under the Ministry of Minority Affairs with the main objective to promote economic development of the poorer section of Minorities. It was incorporated on 30th September, 1994 under the Companies Act with an initial Authorized Share Capital of Rs. 500.00 crore. During the current year the Authorized Share Capital of NMDFC has been enhanced to Rs. 1500.00 crore.

The Authorized Share Capital of Rs. 1500.00 crore is to be contributed by various agencies in the following manner: Govt. of India: Rs. 975.00 crore (65%); State Government / UTs : Rs. 390.00 crore (26%); Organizations & Individuals interested in the Welfare of Minorities: Rs. 135.00 crore (9%).

As on 1.11.2010, the Share Capital contribution from the above three categories is Rs. 922.27 crore (61.48%) of which Rs. 760.36 crore (77.99%) has been contributed by the Government of India and Rs. 161.90 crore (41.51%) by various State Governments and Union Territory Administration. Only an amount of Rs. 55,000/- has been contributed by the Organizations & Individuals having interests in Minorities.

NMDFC has disbursed an amount of Rs. 1255.18 crore for assisting 3,21,898 beneficiaries under its Term Loan Scheme implemented through the State Channelizing Agencies. NMDFC started its Micro-Credit Programme from the year 1998-99 and has disbursed an amount of Rs. 133.40 crore for assisting 2,17,025 beneficiaries.

A scheme for giving grants-in-aid to State Channelizing Agencies, for strengthening of their infrastructure, was launched during 2007-08. Under this scheme, assistance to SCAs is being provided for awareness campaigns, improvement in delivery systems, training of manpower and debt recovery. This year Rs. 4 crore is being released under the scheme.

To further strengthen the NMDFC and suggest measures to increase the outreach of NMDFC, the proposal for restructuring of NMDFC is currently under study by a consultant.


A Multi-Sectoral Development Programme (MsDP) for the welfare of Minorities is being implemented in 90 identified Minority Concentration Districts (MCDs), spread across 20 states. These districts have been lagging behind in terms of critical socio-economic and basic amenities parameters and require focused attention and specific programme intervention. The programme aims at improving the quality of life of the people and reducing imbalances in line with the priority attached to inclusive growth. Identified ‘development deficits’ in education, sanitation, pucca housing, drinking water, electricity supply etc. and absolutely critical infrastructure linkages like basic health infrastructure, ICDS centres, skill development and marketing facilities would be addressed through this programme. The focus of this programme will be on rural and semi-rural areas of the identified 90 Minority Concentrated Districts. The programme was launched in 2008-09.

Out of 90 MCDs, District plans of 89 MCDs have been considered and approved till date. Under it an amount of over Rs. 1,650.88 crore has been released by the Ministry of Minority Affairs to State Governments/UT Administrations (till 30th November 2010) since the launch of the programme.


The broad objectives of the Scheme for Computerization of Records of State Waqf Boards are:

· Ensuring proper survey and cross checking of Waqf data from various computer data bases maintained at the state level, such as by Revenue Departments etc.

· Improving office efficiency and preparation of timely reports on various administrative matters.

· Creation of a centralized and web-enabled data base for use by various stake holders.

· Properties Registration Management of Waqf Boards.

· Muttawalli Returns Management system.

· Leasing of Properties Management system.

· Litigations Tracking Management system.

· Documents Archiving & Retrieval Management system.

The scheme of computerization is uniformly to be applicable across all the 29 State Waqf Boards and any other Waqf Board like J&K, making a special request for funding subject to availability of funds. The Scheme is being implemented during the Plan period 2009-10 to 2011-12 at a total cost of Rs. 22.84 crore.

The computerization would introduce implementation of a web based centralized application module for Waqf Management. The scheme is being implemented by National Informatics Centre (NIC) on turnkey basis.

Till date, an amount of Rs. 5.42 crore has been released to 20 State/Union Territory Waqf Boards. The Central Waqf Council also releases loans to the State Waqf Boards to allow the latter to develop urban waqf properties.


The Joint Parliamentary Committee on Waqf, in its Third Report, recommended comprehensive amendments to the Waqf Act, 1995 to make it more effective. The proposed amendments were duly considered in consultation with the concerned Ministries and the State Governments and the Waqf (Amendment) Bill, 2010 was introduced in April in the Lok Sabha; which was passed by the House on 7th May 2010 and was sent to Rajya Sabha. On 31st August, 2010, the Rajya Sabha referred the Amendment Bill to a 13-member Select Committee of the Rajya Sabha.


It was announced in June, 2006. An important aim of the new programme is to ensure that the benefits of various government schemes for the underprivileged reach the disadvantaged sections of the minority communities. In order to ensure that the benefits of these schemes flow equitably to the minorities, the new programme envisages location of a certain proportion of development projects in minority concentration areas. It also provides that, wherever possible, 15% of targets and outlays under various schemes should be earmarked for minorities.

Schemes included in the new 15 Point Programme which are amenable to earmarking for minorities and targets are fixed every year are as under:-

· Integrated Child Development Service (ICDS) Scheme by providing services through Anganwadi Centres {Ministry of Women & Child Development}

· Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan including Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya Scheme {Ministry of Human Resources Development}

· Swarnjayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY) {Ministry of Rural Development}

· Swarn Jayanti Shahari Rojgar Yojana (SJSRY) {Ministry of Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation}

· Upgradation of existing Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) into centres of excellence {Ministry of Labour & Employment}

· Bank credit under priority sector lending {Department of Financial Services}

· Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY) {Ministry of Rural Development}

The progress of implementation of the Programme is monitored by each of the Ministries/Departments concerned on a monthly basis. At the Central level, Ministry of Minority Affairs reviews the overall progress on a quarterly basis with the Nodal Officers of other Ministries.

Under the new 15 Point Programme, the Ministry of Minority Affairs is implementing the three scholarships for students belonging to the minority communities, namely - merit-cum-means based scholarship, post-matric scholarship and pre- matric scholarship.