India’s concern on activities of Indian Insurgent Groups operating along Indo-Myanmar border is likely to be raised at the Meeting and action against them sought from the Government of Union of Myanmar. Issues relating to strengthening of Intelligence Sharing Mechanism between the two countries, Arms Smuggling, Drug Trafficking, Border Management, Border Trade etc. are also on the Agenda.
The Talks were earlier scheduled to start on Monday but had to be postponed as the visiting delegation could not arrive because of disruption of flights due to bad weather conditions.
Indo-Myanmar Home Secretary Level talks get underway
Special Correspondent - 2010-12-30 11:14
New Delhi: The 16th Home Secretary Level Meeting between India and Myanmar got underway here this morning. Union Home Secretary Sh. G.K.Pillai is leading the Indian delegation and the visiting delegation is led by Myanmar Deputy Minister for Home Affairs U. Phone Swi.