The project is the first disaster risk mitigation initiative, which would be implemented in the country to reduce loss of life and property in the event of future calamities. The World Bank will provide financial assistance equivalent to Rs 1198.44 crore. The remaining amount of Rs. 298.27 crore will be provided by the State Governments of Andhra Pradesh and Orissa. The broad objectives of the project are to upgrade cyclone forecasting, tracking and warning systems, cyclone risk mitigation and capacity building in multi-hazard risk management. The major infrastructure which will be constructed under the project includes multipurpose cyclone shelters (including shelter-cum-godown and approach roads/bridges to habitations) and embankments (including construction and renovation of saline embankments).
The investments proposed in the States would strengthen the coastal infrastructure for protection of the community and their evacuation, greater accessibility, improved warning dissemination and quicker response. The project is expected to benefit 5.60 lakh people in Orissa and over 5.50 lakh people in Andhra Pradesh. It will further help in protection of 38; 296 ha land in Orissa and about 12,640 ha in Andhra Pradesh.
The National Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project (NCRMP) has been conceived for implementation in all the 13 cyclone prone coastal States and Union Territories, namely, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa., Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, Daman & Diu, Puducherry. Lakshadweep and Andaman & Nicobar Island. The NCRMP will be implemented in three phases keeping in view the vulnerability of the States and their readiness with investment proposals. In Phase-I, Orissa and Andhra Pradesh will be covered.
Approximately 5700 Km out of around 7500 Km of country’s coastline in flat coastal terrain with high population density is extremely vulnerable to cyclones and its associated hazards like storm surge, high winds and heavy rainfall. Approximately 40% of total population in maritime States lives within 100 Km of the coastlines. Recurrent cyclones account for a large number of deaths, loss of livelihood opportunities, loss of public and private property and severe damage to infrastructure, thus reversing the developmental gains at regular intervals.
Rs.1496.71 crore for the National Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project (NCRMP) Phase I
Special Correspondent - 2011-01-06 12:34
New Delhi: The Union Cabinet today approved the implementation of Phase I of the Centrally Sponsored Scheme of National Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project (NCRMP) for Andhra Pradesh and Orissa at an estimated cost of Rs 1496.71 crores to address the vulnerability of coastal community who are generally poor. The project aims at minimizing the vulnerability to cyclones and making people and infrastructure disaster resilient.