Central Government agencies are involved in the implementation of above projects. The aim of the programme is to accelerate socio-economic development in Bihar. Through the special plan for Bihar, infrastructure particularly power, roads, and irrigation is being put in place.

The special plan for Bihar is currently being funded under the Backward Regions Grant Fund (BRGF) with an annual allocation of Rs.1000 crore on 100% grant basis during the XI five year plan period. The total cost of all the projects approved for funding under the Special Plan for Bihar was Rs.5568 crore at the time of approval of the BRGF in August, 2006. This cost has now increased to Rs.8753 crore. Against this cost, an amount of Rs.5285 crore has been released till the end of 2009-10 leaving the balance amount of Rs.3468 crore to be released during 2010-11 and 2011-12. It has, therefore been decided to enhance the allocation from the current level of Rs.1000 crore to Rs.2000 crore in 2010-11 and the balance amount of Rs.1468 crore in 2011-12.


The BRGF, which aims to catalyze development in backward areas, was approved by the CCEA in August, 2006. The BRGF has two components, namely, District Component covering 250 backward districts in 27 States and State Component which includes Special Plan for Bihar which includes the Million Shallow Tubewell Programme (MSTP) now replaced by Bihar Ground Water Irrigation Scheme (BGWIS), Restoration of Eastern Gandak Canal, Integrated Watershed Development Programme, Rail-cum-Road Bridge, Strengthening of Sub-Transmission System (Phase-I and Phase-II), Renovation and Modernisation of Barauni and Muzaffarpur Thermal Power Stations, Development of State Highways and Integrated Community Based Forest Management.