The Minister of State of Coal, Shri Jaiswal who is in Maputo, capital of Mozambique, on two -days tour with a delegation of Coal Ministry’s officials including the Chairman of Coal India Ltd. had wide ranging discussion with the Minister of Mineral Resources of Government of Mozambique, Ms. Esperanca Bias late yesterday to increase cooperation in the area of coal mining.
Ms. Esperanca Bias said that Mozambique would like to take advantage of India’s expertise in coal mining and assured that her Government would consider India’s request for allocation of more coal blocks to Coal India Ltd.
Both the countries agreed to have the meeting of working group on coal in April, 2011 to discuss scope and modalities of bilateral cooperation further.
Coal India Ltd already has two coal blocks allocated in Mozambique which will be made operational shortly. Road linkages to the nearest port for the shipment of coal and other infrastructural requirements were also discussed during the meeting. Mozambique Government assured all assistance to complete necessary formalities and infrastructural support for making both the blocks operational as early as possible.
Shri Jaisawal said that that India has decided to set up two institutes for planning and manpower training in the area of mining in Mozambique with an investment of Rs 88 crore. Modalities for setting of these institutes including land allocation were discussed. Shri Jaisawal also offered training of Mozambican personnel at mining institutes in India.
Shri Jaisawal also met the Minister of Interior Affairs and the Minister for Education of Mozambique.
Shri Jaiswal will distribute artificial limbs on behalf of the Government of India to the handicapped persons in a function to be organized in a hospital tomorrow.
India Seeks More Coal blocks from Mozambique
Special Correspondent - 2011-01-11 18:16
India has urged the Mozambique to consider allocation of more coal blocks to Indian companies besides expediting formalities for making operational two blocks, already allocated to Coal India Ltd.