Surveillance activity has been started in the affected area. 33 Teams deputed by State Government have carried out survey by house to house visits in six villages and three hamlets near village Kolat, Taluk Sanad, Distt Ahmedabad, covering a population of more than 26000 persons. One hundred cases of fever were detected but all of them have recovered except for two. A total of 58 samples have been collected from the contacts including hospital staff. Forty five of them have already tested negative at NIV, Pune. The State Animal Husbandry Department is also conducting surveillance among domestic animals.

The Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation has also surveyed 58 hospitals for the past 15days to detect any unusual deaths in their hospitals. But not a single case has been reported for viral hemorrhagic fever.

Detailed treatment protocol for CCHF has been developed at B J Medical College, Ahmedabad with the help of various experts. Recommendations of WHO on prevention and treatment have also been obtained and shared with the Central Team and State Government. An expert team is also meeting to review the treatment protocol.