The meeting was attended by Union Minister of State of HRD, Smt. D. Purandeswari, 17 State Ministers, Secretaries and senior officers from the State Govts. Heads of UGC, AICTE, IGNOU, NCERT, NUEPA, CBSE and NIOS and representatives from National Skill Development Corporation and from industry associations ASSOCHAM, CII and FICCI.

The necessity and rationale of scaling up of vocational education in the country was highlighted by several participants citing demands of high economic growth, technological and demographic changes, global shortage of skilled manpower, skill deficit in various sectors and mismatch of demand and supply of skill. Quoting Mr C.K.Prahlad’s, the noted management guru, Shri Sibal mentioned that to sustain a double digit growth the country would need 200 million graduates and 500 million skilled people by 2022.

There was total unanimity amongst States for the National Vocational Education Qualification Framework (NVEQF). This framework would set common principles and guidelines for a nationally recognized qualification system, covering schools, vocational education institutes and institutes of higher education with qualifications ranging from secondary to doctorate level, leading to international recognition of national standards. The framework will be a competency based modular approach with provision for credit accumulation and transfer. Students would have the scope for vertical and horizontal mobility with multiple entry and exits. This would be especially useful to promote the creative genius of every child including children with special needs. Sector Skill Councils and Industry would collaborate in the development of quality standards, competencies, model curricula, assessment standards and testing procedures. Linkage between education providers and employers would be a pre-requisite. A centrally sponsored scheme of vocational education in the higher secondary stage would complement these efforts.

Shri Sibal stressed that standardization of processes is important to preserve the past, energise the present and empower the future. A view emerged that the educational institutions could allow its premises to be used after working hours for skill development. It was also unanimously resolved to constitute a Group of Ministers from State Govts. to suggest ways and means for strengthening vocational education in the country at all levels and to develop a broad consensus on the contours of the National Vocational Education Qualifications Framework.