The visiting Agriculture Minister of Ethiopia said that his country would like to take advantage of Indian experience not only in the area of mechanized farming but also in food security system. He discussed other issues of bilateral cooperation with Prof. K.V. Thomas.

Welcoming the offer of Ethiopian government, Prof. K.V. Thomas requested the Ethiopian minister to set up single window system for various clearances to Indian entrepreneurs for taking up commercial farming in Ethiopia. He said that India can provide technical expertise in the area of watershed development and standardization of various food products. The Bureau of Indian Standards and ICAR are already providing training to experts from Ethiopia. Areas for such trainings and cooperation will be explored further, he said.

India is the largest foreign investor in Ethiopia with approved investment of US $ 4.4 billion, out of which 40 per cent investment is in the field of commercial agriculture. Ethiopia will also hold Indian Africa Forum Summit in May 2011 to strengthen cooperation with India.