The event is valuable because generations after generations acknowledge Kumarajiva’s brilliance, wisdom, proficiency in Sanskrit and Chinese languages and above all his obeisance to the sacred voice. Kumarajiva along with Dharmaraksa and Hsuan-tsang is the master who stands out by his preeminence virtue and by spreading the subtle philosophical systems of Buddhism. The process was begun by Dharmaraksa who was a Yueh-chih which found its full flowering in Kumarajiva and culmination in Hsuan-tsang. Kumarajiva remains central to practical Buddhism in East Asia. He has bequeathed to us a casket of sacred sutras as the most authoritative presentations by creating pure, boundless and unthinkable versions. The impact of his works can still be felt in almost all the schools/sects of Mahayana Buddhism in East Asia.

Kumarajiva, a great philosopher, son of a Kashmiri Brahmana, Kumarayana and a Kuchean Princess, Jiva, a Sanskritist had an encyclopedic knowledge of Buddhism and Vedic learning. He was equally proficient in Chinese and Sanskrit. He transcreated the Sanskrit Sutras into such a literary Chinese languages, his style was so distinct, possessing flowing smoothness, that generations after generations draw their spiritual values from his translations. Writers, sculptures, painters, philosophers, emperors and empresses were inspired by his philosophy in East Asia over the past centuries.

The inaugural session of the seminar began with the keynote address of Prof. Charles Willemen, member, Royal Academy of Sciences, Belgium. Eminent scholars from several countries have joined with their dedicated researches, to discuss the life and legacy of Kumarajiva for three days at IGNCA. The impact of Kumarajiva’s works can still be felt in the lives of the people in East Asia.

The exhibition organized for the event is a slip into the life and legacy of Kumarajiva visualizing the places where he was born, studied, meditated propagated at is finally at rest in China. Rare manuscripts, paintings and sculptures from various museums, monasteries and caves are not merely a visual delight; it is a source of inspiration for those who seek spiritual values.