The delegation led by Ms. Paula Lehtomaki called on Dr. Farooq Abdullah, here today and included Director of International Affairs, Ministry of the Environment and Forest and Political Advisor to the Minister, Ministry of Environment & Forests of Finland.
The Finland Minister is in Delhi for attending the Delhi Sustainable Development Summit (DSDS) organized by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI). The Finnish Minister invited Indian renewable energy companies and entrepreneurs to collaborate with their Finnish counterparts to the mutual benefit of both countries.
Finland, located in Northern Europe, is the fifth largest country in Europe with strong technical and industrial capacity in the field of biomass energy, municipal waste and hydro power. 20% of its total energy is derived from renewable energy sources mostly from biomass and wastes. India and Finland already have an on-going mechanism of cooperation in the field of renewable energy under the aegis of Joint Working Group on Clean Technology and Waste Management.
India-Finland to Expand Cooperation in Energy
Special Correspondent - 2011-02-04 17:50
New Delhi: Dr. Farooq Abdullah, Union Minister for New & Renewable Energy during his interaction with Ms. Lehtomaki, Minister of the Environment of Finland stressed on potential cooperation between the two countries in the field of renewable energy. They agreed that there is tremendous scope for understanding and exchanges in the sphere of renewables, especially bio-fuels, waste to energy and in sustainable development.