The four days Conference from 7-10 February, 2011 is being attended by more than 400 participants comprising of delegates from the National Statistical Offices of Commonwealth countries, participants from International Organizations, senior officials from Central/State Governments, Universities, reputed Institutions, Experts, Academicians, etc.

The Themes/sub-themes of the Conference finalized through a consultative mechanism among Commonwealth Countries covering wide range and scope are important and of contemporary significance. They topic cover issues ranging from ‘Managing the present, guiding the future: statistical concerns’, to ‘Identifying bubbles’, ‘Environmental and economic accounting’, ‘Implementing SNA’, ‘Demographic transition’, ‘Building sustainable statistical capability – what has worked, what has not and why?’, ‘Measuring the progress in societies’ and finally culminating in the ‘Vision for Conference of Commonwealth Statisticians’.

The Conference of Commonwealth Statisticians is a tradition that dates back to 1920 and are held quinquennially. The last conference, the 14th in series of Conferences of Commonwealth Statisticians was held in Cape Town, South Africa in 2005. Having the inherent strength of commonality of language, legal framework, the conference of statisticians further reiterates the underlying philosophy of being member of Commonwealth nations, to enhance promotion of cooperation and collaboration on common issues that are arising out of the emerging statistical challenges; besides affirming commitment to the Commonwealth’s core principles and values enshrined in the Harare declaration.

India is proud to organize the 15th Conference of Commonwealth Statisticians and it is for the second time that India is organizing such conference, the first held almost 40 years ago. This Conference provides an unique forum for the delegates of the National Statistics Office of Commonwealth Countries as well as to other participants for deliberating on common methodological issues of official statistics and develop and exchange of views and experiences on issues of critical importance to the Policy makers and Planners of all the commonwealth countries.

The Inaugural Session of the Conference opened with the welcome address by Shri S.K. Das, Director General, Central Statistics Office, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation followed by addresses by Dr. T.C.A. Anant, Chief Statistician of India and Secretary, S&PI, Prof. R. Radhakrishna, Chairman, National Statistical Commission. The Conference being attended by so many delegates representing large as well as small, and rich as well as poor nations and participants including from various International organizations is a testimony of the importance attributed to the objectives set out for this Conference.

Based upon the recommendations of the technical sessions, a common charter of action would be worked out by identifying priority areas for cooperation and collaboration among the commonwealth countries and making this forum a tangible entity in the development of a stronger International statistical community.