In his comments on the plan performance of the State Shri Ahluwalia said that the State has satisfactory performance and was likely to reach targets for the Eleventh Plan. The State was also complemented for devolution of powers to Panchayati Raj Institution and also for efforts to improve human development index.
He said that Planning Commission was reviewing the performance of various flagship programmes and in this context would welcome comments from the States on guidelines which were coming in the way of better performance. The State was advised to focus on tourism development and should exploit its rich cultural heritage in promoting tourism.
Rajasthan’s targeted Plan expenditure as percentage of GSDP for the Eleventh plan (2007-12) is 6.82 per cent as compared to 5.67 per cent achieved in the Tenth Plan (2002-07). Against the 11th Plan projected outlay of Rs.71731.98 crore the anticipated expenditure up to 2010-11 is Rs.69837.80 crore. The actual expenditure for Annual plan 2009-10 was Rs.18022.69 crore and the anticipated expenditure for 2010-11 is Rs.23097.09 crore.
The performance of Rajasthan in terms of percentage of people below the poverty line is better in comparison to all-India figures expect the level of Urban Poverty percentage. The percentage of urban poor is higher than the all India figure. Another feature is urban poverty in rural then urban areas in All-India.
On Plan performance of the State, the Chief Minister pointed out that despite adverse effects of rain failure and fall out of global slow down, Rajasthan has succeeded in managing fiscal discipline and expects good agriculture this year. Informing the Commission about the social welfare initiative taken by the State to improve living of people from all walks of life, he said Centre should consider setting up national minorities fund and also review health insurance scheme to make it more broad base.
Rajasthan Annual Plan 2011-12 Finalized at Rs.27500 crores
Special Correspondent - 2011-02-22 23:36
New Delhi: Annual Plan size for Rajasthan for the year 2011-12 was today finalized at a meeting between Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission, Shri Montek Singh Ahluwalia and the Chief Minister of Rajasthan, Shri Ashok Gehlot. The Plan outlay was agreed at Rs.27500 crores.