Generally the QoS provided by BSNL in respect of landline and mobile services are meeting the TRAI benchmarks in various States of India including Uttar Pradesh and Orissa but still BSNL is augmenting its network progressively so as to enhance coverage and capacity. BSNL rolls out its mobile services based on its techno-commercial decisions. Some of the steps taken by BSNL to prevent switch over of customers to private operators are as follows:
(i) BSNL has formed Special Cell in its circles to contact customers and address their grievances.
(ii) Introduction of Competitive tariff plans.
(iii) Rehabilitation of outdoor network to reduce fault rate.
(iv) Close monitoring of network operation through Information Technology (IT) enabled systems.
(v) Introduction of CDR (Call Data Records) based billing, commercial and fault repair service and work order management system.
(vi) Introduction of effective Network Management System.
This information was given by the Minister of State for Communications & Information Technology, Shri Sachin Pilot in written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.
BSNL augmenting its network for better mobile service
Special Correspondent - 2011-02-23 18:55
New Delhi: Though BSNL is in general meeting the Quality of Service (QoS) benchmarks prescribed by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) but still some complaints of subscribers are received by BSNL on problems faced by subscribers, which are generally attended by the field units promptly. To further improve the QoS, BSNL is also augmenting its network progressively so as to enhance coverage and capacity. BSNL is also optimizing its network continuously for its performance.