The Economic Survey states that during 2009-10, 5.26 crore households were provided employment under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) as against more than 4.51 crore during 2008-09. During 2010-11, about 4.10 crore households have been provided employment till December 2010. The Survey states that under the scheme, maximum employment during 2009-10 was provided in Rajasthan followed by Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Bihar. The Survey points out that towards increasing transparency and accountability in the MGNREGS, social audits have been conducted in 93 per cent of the districts ( as reported by the States). A new scheme for monitoring by eminent citizens has been introduced and 61 eminent citizens have been engaged and assigned to a district each to provide first hand feed back on the implementation of the scheme. An ombudsman has also been instituted in each district for effective grievance redressal. The Survey observes that further improvements in this scheme could include shifting to permanent asset building and infrastructure development activities, reducing transaction costs, better monitoring and extension of the MGNREGS to urban areas.

The Survey points out that as per the multidimensional poverty index (MPI), India with a poverty index of 0.296 and poverty ratios of 41.6 per cent (in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP) of $ 1.25 a day) and 28.6 per cent (national poverty line) is not favourable placed when compared to countries like China and Sri Lanka. The Survey indicates that Inter-State comparisons of socio-economic development of selected States show some interesting results. While developed States like Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Haryana, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu have performed well in terms of many indicators, many hitherto backward states like Bihar, Orissa, and Uttarakhand are also showing good growth performance.