Directors noted that the current Fund-supported program adequately incorporates recommendations of the EPA and that risks are correctly identified. A strong commitment to fiscal discipline and the reform agenda will be key to achieving the program’s objectives.


An EPA is required for all members having longer-term program engagement with the Fund. EPAs are intended to provide an opportunity to step back from continuing program relations to consider an analysis of the economic problems facing the country, review progress under Fund-supported programs, and draw forward-looking lessons for future Fund engagement.

Since 1993, Benin has almost continuously had a program supported by the Fund under its various concessional lending facilities. In 2004, a first ex post assessment concluded that past program design had been broadly appropriate and implementation mostly successful. Overall, program engagement contributed to major progress in macroeconomic stabilization and fiscal consolidation. However, results in implementing the structural reform agenda were mixed.

This update reviews Benin’s economic performance since late 2004, focusing on the implementation of the 2005–09 program supported by the then-existing Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility.