Under the existing schemes of HMNEH, NHM and scheme on 'Capital Investment Subsidy for Construction/Modernisation/Expansion of Cold Storage and Storage for Horticulture Produce' of National Horticulture Board (NHB), financial assistance is available for setting up of post-harvest management infrastructure for various horticulture crops including vegetables like cold storages etc. Subsidy is, being provided @40% (for general areas) and @ 55% (for hilly and tribal areas) of capital cost of the project for both public and private sector enterprise. The subsidy for private sector is credit linked and back ended.

The cold storage component of NHM scheme is being implemented through State Horticulture Missions and the component of cold storage under HMNEH scheme is implemented through NHB. Setting up of cold storage is entrepreneur driven activity and entrepreneur submits the proposal to State Government which forwards the same to Government of India for approval.

This information was given by Shri Arun Yadav, Minister of State for Agriculture and Food Processing Industries in written reply to a question in the Lok Sabha today.