The joint statement signed on Tuesday said that Pakistan would cooperate with India to bring the perpetrators of 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks to justice. India also said that it would share with Pakistan the information relating to the Samjhauta Express bomb blast probe case.
In the early hours of Wednesday, when the Pakistan Prime Minister, Yousuf Raza Gilani arrived to watch the India-Pakistan World Cup semi-final match at Mohali, the Indian government officially declared “National Investigation Agency (NIA) conducted painstaking investigation in the Samjhauta Express train bomb blasts case of February, 2007 in a number of states, at different locations and also involved experts from the Forensic Science and Railways. A breakthrough in the case was achieved in the month of December 2010 on the arrest of a key conspirator, who confessed not only of his involvement in the criminal conspiracy but also divulged names of co-conspirators, who had caused the blasts. Further investigation is continuing.”
Further it said : “On the direction of the Govt. of India, the NIA took over the investigation of this case on 29.7.2010 and registered a case vide crime No.09/2010 – NIA – New Delhi u/s 302,307,124 A, 438 & 440 of IPC, Sections 3,4 & 6 of Explosive Substances Act, Sections 3 & 4 of Prevention of Damage of Public Property Act, Sections150,151 & 152 of Railway Act and added sections 16 & 18 of UA(P) Act during investigation.”
Bomb blasts took place in the two coaches of New Delhi- Attari Express (commonly known as Samjhauta Express) in the intervening night of 18/19 February 2007. In the blasts, 68 persons lost their lives and 12 persons got injured. Out of 68 persons who died, 15 dead bodies could not be identified and out of 53 identified bodies, 43 were of Pakistani nationals. Also, out of 12 injured persons, 10 were Pakistani nationals.
“The incident took place near village Siwah (Haryana State) which is located between Diwana and Panipat Railway Stations. On February 19, 2007 a case was registered by the Haryana Police at Karnal Railway Police Station (GRPS, Karnal) vide case No.28/2007, u/s 302,307,124 A, 438 & 440 IPC, Sections 3,4 & 6 of Explosive Substances Act, Sections 3 & 4 of Prevention of Damage of Public Property Act and Sections 150,151 & 152 of the Railway Act.
“The Haryana Police conducted the investigation of the case till 29.7.2010. However, no breakthrough could be made regarding the identities of the perpetrators/conspirators of the crime. According to the forensic investigation, low intensity explosive material were used in an improvised manner kept in suit-cases with incendiary oil kept in pet bottles. The design of the bombs was such that in addition to the explosion in two compartments (GS 03431 and GS14857) which completely got damaged, it also caused huge fire in three compartments (No. 04703, 19054 & 19113), “ the official press release said.
Pakistan Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani arrives for Cricket World Cup semi-final
India lists success of Samjhauta Express blast probe on Pak PM's arrival
Blast probe success made official after signing of joint statement
ASHOK B SHARMA - 2011-03-30 12:54