‘India Against Corruption’ the movement led by Anna Hazare and his group collected Rs.8287668 as donation from public and spent Rs 3269900 so far. It has a balance of Rs.5017768 as on April 13, 2011 as per the statement published on the official site of the movement.
A total of 133 donors donated Rs 7553170 and the rest Rs 7,34,498 were collected from 2,871 people who made less than Rs 5000 as donation.
No one’s name figured in the list of donors' name who initiated the movement. The person who started the movement were - Kiran Bedi, Baba Ramdev, Sri sri Ravishankar, Swami Agnivesh, Mohamad Madani, Archbishop Vincent M Concessao, Syed Rizvi, Mufti Shamoon Qasmi, Malika Sarabhai, Justice DS Tewatia, Pradeep Gupta, Arvind Kejriwal, Kamal Kant Jaswal, Sunita Godhra, B R Lalla,Davinder Sharma, Subhash Chandra Aggarwal, Vishwas Utagi and Sayed Shah Fazlur Rahman Waizi.
The economics of the movement suggest that a large number of non-government organization and industrial houses were involved in this movement which included Jindal aluminum Ltd that donated Rs 25 lakh. Institutions like HDFC and J&K bank were also among donors.
The expenditure in the movement included Rs 9.47 lakhs on tent, bed, sound system ets, Rs 8.93 lakh on telecom, Rs 7.32 lakh on printing, Rs 4.61 lakh on traveling and conveyance, about Rs 82 thousands on food, and about Rs 45 thousands on medical.
Here is the full official statement of India Against Corruption.
Receipt and Expenditure statement
As on April 13, 2011
This statement is for 30th January rally, indefinite fast in April and all activities related to preparations thereof
Particulars Amount
Printing 732624
Traveling And Conveyance 461382
Stationary 6940
Food 81751
Telecom 893938
Tent,Bed,Sound System& Hall Booking 947344
Postage 2405
Video recording 11755
Medical for those on fast 44908
Miscellaneous 86853
Total 3269900
BALANCE 5017768
Name Amount
A. Guruswami 5000
Ace Productions Pvt. Ltd. 10000
Ajay Goyal 5000
Akshar Cultural Trust 100000
Alka Thakran 5000
Amarnath Palacherla 25000
Anand Mahajan 60000
Anil Bhardwaj 50000
Anuj Kumar 10000
Arun Duggal 300000
Arvind Bhai Chimanlal Shah 5000
Arvind Sethi 10000
Ashok Sud 10000
Atul Vijay Vikash Saini 7000
Bala Deshpandey 10000
Carmel Convent School 20000
catalyst developments 10000
Chandrakant DhirajLal Mehtalia 25000
Common Cause 25000
Darshan Singh Pan India 5000
Eicher Goodearth Trust Mr. Vikram Lal 300000
Gupt Daan 5000
Harbachan Singh Bawa 50000
Harish Rangwala 10000
Harsh Kumar Chaturvedi 5000
HDFC Bank Ltd. 50000
Hemlata Investment Pvt. Ltd. 25000
Hitesh Oberoi 25000
Ilengovan Arunachalam 5000
jai Hind vendematram 5000
Jindal Aluminium Ltd/Mr.Sitaram Jindal 2500000
Jyotindra Mani Bhai Trivedi 100000
K v Raju 5000
Kamal K Shah 25000
Ketaki Sood 10000
Krishan Kumar Bansal 11000
Luthra and Luthra Law Office 50000
Luv Vikram Kothari 5000
M/s Enam Securities Pvt. Ltd. 200000
M/s J M Financial Foundation 50000
M/s matrix clothing pvt ltd. 25000
Manon Nalin Shah 5000
Mansukhlal Vasa 10000
Mayur Jay Kumar Vora 5000
Mehta Foundation 10000
Murti Lal Aggrawal 5100
Neeraj Aggarawal 25000
Nilofer R. Rustom Ji 10000
Nimmagadda Foundation 100000
Nirmala 5000
O P Vaish 25000
OM R Barlinge 15000
People Synergy 5000
Premila Nazareth Satyanand 5000
Prince 5000
r d Goyal 20000
R K Gupta Foundation, 10000
R Narayan 6500
Raj Dutta 20000
Rajesh Bhaskar Mandlik 5000
Rajiv Ram Lal Gupta 25000
Rajkumar Aggrawal 10000
Rakshit Jain Era 20000
Ramky (Phani Kumar) 500000
Ravindra Bahl 50000
Reshad Minoo Rustom Ji 10000
Robin Shalabh Chandra 50000
Romesh Sobti 25000
Safexpress Pvt. Ltd. 100000
Sai Shipping Co. (P) Ltd. 5000
Sanjay Malhotra 10000
Sanjeev Anand IndusInd bank 15000
Sanjeev Bikhchandani 50000
Sanjeevan Jyoti Charitable Trust 25000
Santosh Awatramani 25000
Sawan Vinodbhai 51000
Shachindra Nath 20000
Shri Orient Corporation 35000
Shriram Investments 200000
Suraj Agencies 21000
Surender Pal Singh 1000000
Suresh 50000
Suresh Kumar Kannan 9000
Surjeet Singh 50000
Tejveer Singh 5000
Tepflo Pumps (India) Pvt. Ltd. 5000
The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd 10000
The Supreme Industries Ltd. 15000
Triburg sports 9570
V. Rangrajan 100000
V.Malik Associates 21000
Vaibhav Dayal 20000
Vera mahajan 40000
Vijay Thakkar 200000
Vikas Banga 5000
Vikas Mapara 200000
Vimal Shah 5000
Vipin kapur 20000
Virender Kumar Jain 11000
Vishal Vijay Gupta 51000
Vivek Krishna Marla 10000
Mr. Thadani 20000
Apart from the above mentioned donors, 2,871 people donated less than Rs 5000 each, the total of which is Rs 7,34,498.
Anti-Corruption movement for Jan Lokpal Bill
Economics of Anna Hazare Movement: Earning Rs.8287668, expenditure Rs.3269900 so far
Gyan Pathak - 2011-04-15 13:38
New Delhi: ‘India Against Corruption’ the movement led by Anna Hazare and his group collected Rs.8287668 and spent Rs.3269900 so far.