Disbursement of farm credit through cooperatives will be discussed since cooperatives play a significant role in making farm loans available at the ground level. In 2009-10, cooperative credit institutions disbursed Rs. 63,143 crore for agriculture and allied activities.

The Conference will take stock of the implementation of the Revival Package for Short-Term Cooperative Credit Structure. The Rs. 13,596 crore package was approved on the recommendations of the Task Force under Prof A Vaidyanathan. Twenty-five States have so far signed Memorandum of Understanding with NABARD for implementation of the Package.

Ministers will also discuss the steps needed to enable cooperatives to compete in the present highly competitive and liberalized trade regime.

The Centre will also bring for discussion a new scheme for rehabilitation and reconstruction of cooperatives. The proposed scheme aims at rehabilitating potentially viable sick cooperative societies and societies in initial stage of sickness. It is also proposed to constitute a fund for this purpose.