So far CBI has arrested chief engineer of the Uttar Pradesh State Industrial Development Corporation (UPSIDC) chief engineer Arun Mishra for his involvement in large scale corruption in his department. Then, former joint secretary of Lucknow Development Authority (LDA) and retired PCS officer Sripal Verma has also been arrested for his corrupt practices in LDA. There are apprehensions among the bureaucrats of the state that few more arrests will be made soon as the CBI has found lot of information involving the corruption at high places.
At the political level, Samajwadi party led by the young state president Akhilesh Yadav has taken the lead in launching massive campaign against corruption in the Mayawati administration. Mr. Yadav said that his party was the only political party in the state which has been consistently fighting against the Rs. 40,000 crore loot from the state exchequer in the name of construction of parks and memorials in the state in the last four years.
As regards BJP, the state president Surya Pratap Shahi inaugurated cartoon exhibition at the state headquarters on various aspects of corruption in the Mayawati Government. Last month, BJP national general secretary Ravi Shankar Prasad visited Lucknow and inaugurated an exhibition of cartoons exposing the corrupt practices of both the state government as also the BSP.BJP leaders said that the party would continue to expose the large scale corruption of the BSP government through such exhibitions, publications and big rallies in different parts of the state.
It would be worth recalling that BJP had released charge sheet of one hundred scams worth Rs. 2.70 lakh crores during the last four years of Mayawati government. BJP state president informed that this charge sheet document known as FIR would be submitted to the President of India on June 12 along with the necessary documents.
Congress has started its campaign against corruption of Mayawati government by using tool of RTI.
So much so, AICC general secretary Rahul Gandhi visited the office of CMO Family Welfare and submitted several questions under RTI to know the proper implementation of NHRM (National Rural Health Mission) and Janni Suraksha Yojna during last five years.
Mr. Gandhi used the tool of RTI to find out the bungling in these funds as two CMOs posted in this department Dr Vinod Arya and Dr BP Singh had been killed in recent months.
UPCC spokesman Subodh Srivastav said that Youth Congress workers too had been asked to file RTI in all the districts to find out corruption in central funds in hospitals.
As regards CPI, national secretary Atul Anjan said that CPI has started state-wide agitation against Mayawati government on the issue of corruption. Anjan said the decision to organize agitation against Mayawati government was taken at the meeting of state executive held in the presence of CPI general secretary Mr AB Bardhan and his deputy Suddhakar Reddy.
CPI leader said the party is organising demonstrations in every district in the month of May to focus on the bungling in MANREGA, old age and widow pension, scarcity seed and fertilizer in rural areas, power shortage, growing unemployment, deterioration in law and order and weavers problems.
Atul Anjan said district level meetings are being organized in the state to expose failure of Mayawati government and large scale corruption. (IPA Service)
India: Uttar Pradesh
Pradeep Kapoor - 2011-05-07 11:34
LUCKNOW: Mayawati Government is under siege in Uttar Pradesh as the leading political parties of the state have started intensive campaign against the large scale corruption in the administration which the BSP supremo is heading for nearly four years. Simultaneously, CBI has arrested a number of the state officials for being involved in corruption.