Discussions centered on strategies to maintain fiscal and debt sustainability by putting the debt on a declining path over the medium term. Fiscal consolidation remains the top priority, consistent with the authorities’ commitment to the implementation of the medium-term fiscal framework. The mission welcomed the measures adopted in late 2010 to strengthen revenues, including the temporary increase in the Value Added Tax (VAT) rate, and supported ongoing efforts to improve the fiscal outturn, which remain challenging given the still vulnerable economy. It noted that strengthening the fiscal stance would also underpin external sector stability and strengthen reserves, which is crucial given high oil prices and the uncertain global outlook.

“While the banking system remains liquid and well capitalized, continued vigilance is warranted, as the improvement of financial sector indicators is likely to lag the recovery. The launch of the Financial Services Commission, which will bring under one umbrella the supervision of insurance, credit unions, securities and international financial services, will strengthen the regulation and supervision of non-bank financial institutions. Staff also welcomed the appointment of a judicial manager for CLICO Life Insurance and expressed support for a prompt resolution that minimizes fiscal contingent liabilities while emphasizing the need for a regional mechanism for coordination of crisis resolution in future events to ensure regional financial stability.