Outbreaks of avian influenza have occurred in several countries in Asia for some time now. India has successfully handled all outbreaks in the country ever since the first outbreak of avian influenza in February 2006. The last outbreak took place during February-March, 2011, in Tripura. After following prescribed control and containment procedures the country was declared free from the disease with effect from 4th July, 2011, the official sources said.

The Union Government has given standing instructions that require state governments to report any outbreak of this disease without delay. A standard operating procedure (SOP) is followed to effectively control and contain avian influenza outbreaks. A system of routine surveillance is in place against the disease. A good laboratory infrastructure including the High Security Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, Bhopal (under ICAR system) and the Regional Disease Diagnostic Laboratories exist as part of the disease surveillance and control programme. Blood and tissue supply of poultry from different regions are tested regularly in these laboratories as a part of disease surveillance.

The disease diagnostic laboratories are equipped with latest and modern scientific infrastructure and equipment including Bio-Safety Level-III limits to quickly and correctly diagnose the disease.

A large number of veterinarians, para-veterinarians and community workers have been trained and rapid response teams set up throughout the country to handle any outbreak. These teams have in fact efficiently handled the outbreaks that have taken place so far.