A draft, prepared by the left-wing ultras after meeting of polit bureau, the highest body of their organization, reveals how they are preparing grounds to engage the security forces. The draft, seized by a para military force (Central Reserve Police Force) recently, is exclusively available with this correspondent.
The 14-page draft says that in order to defeat the new offensive by the enemy (read security forces) and to protect the gains of our people's war, it is very essential to rouse the masses throughout the country, stand up in support of the struggles in Dandakaranya (Chhattisgarh), Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Karnataka and other places and build a broad-based countrywide movement against the fascist offensive by the reactionary rulers with the active assistance and guidance of the imperialists. To defend our guerilla bases in Dandakaranya, Bihar and Jharkhand and to advance the armed struggle in the guerilla zones we have to carry out the following immediate tasks.
i) “We have to furthr aggravate the situation and create more difficulties to the enemy forces by expanding our guerilla war to new areas on the one hand and intensifying the mass resistance in the existing areas so as to disperse the enemy forces over a sufficiently wider areas. Hence the foremost task in every state is to intensify the war in their respective areas while in areas of intense enemy repression there is need to expand the area of struggle by proper planning by the concerned committees, tactical counter-offensives should be stepped up and also taken up in new areas so as to divert a section of the enemy forces from attacking our guerilla bases and organs of political power.â€
ii)“We should extra precautions not to take up reckless actions, not to cause damage to people's property or cause inconvenience to the people by our actions and to apologize for our mistakes promptly assuring people that such mistakes will not be repeated in future.â€
iii) “As far as the offensive on Maad (Tribal area in Chhatisgarh) is concerned we have to mobilize all tribal organizations throughout the country to protest against the destruction of the oldest tribes in India.â€
iv) “Prepare the people, the party and People's Liberation Guerilla Army (PLGA) to confront the brutal enemy onslaught; educate the people regarding the scale and intensity of the enemy offensive, its cruel nature and the need for enormous sacrifices on the part of the Party (CPI (Maoists), PLGA and the masses, take initiatives to unite with other struggling organizations and forces to forge strong united fronts on every issue and at every possible level. “
v) “Organise attacks with meticulous planning against the state's khaki (police), and olive-clad terrorist forces, SPOs (Special Police Officers), police informers and other counter-revolutionaries and enemies of the people.â€
vi) “Purge the non-proletarian trends prevailing in our party and the movement by conducting rectification campaign in an effective manner so as to provide capable proletarian leadership to the Indian revolution.â€
vii) “Protect the leadership and preserve the Party cadres and PLGA fighters by avoiding unnecessary losses, expand our Party by recruiting new members and train up comrades at every level to build new leadership.â€
viii) “The aim of the enemy will be to isolate us from the broad masses engaging us in continuous military engagements , then to pin us down militarily using his superior armed force and other infrastructure. We have to foil this tactic of the enemy by taking up he basic issues of the people, mobilizing them into militant mass struggles, taking up wide propaganda exposing state terror and state-sponsored terror and making serious attempts to build broad-based united fronts with all those forces who oppose the state's brutal offensive.â€
ix) “Today we are facing an extraordinary situation. In South Asia, the second focal point of national liberation struggles in the contemporary world, the situation has continued to be explosive with militant uprisings in several parts of Pakistan such as the Swat valley, North West Provinces, FATA and other regions. In Sri Lanka, non-stop aerial bombardment of civilian areas has created graveyard in the Tamil-inhabited areas of Eelam.â€
x) “Let us utilize the ever-deepening crisis in world economy, overcome the negative factors like the setback in Sri Lanka, lull in Nepal, massive offensive on Islamic Jehadist forces in Pakistan.â€
xi) “Let us mobilize the people politically and militarily to face this new offensive, strengthen and expand our military formations, consolidate and expand our areas of struggle and build strong solidarity movements throughout the country.â€
India: Naxals
Naxalites urge cadre to take on central forces
CPI (Maoists) Polit Bureau lays down strategy for fight with Union Government
Narendra Kaushik - 2009-08-28 13:21
New Delhi: Naxalites have got to know about centre's plan to launch a major offensive against them and are preparing to take on the security forces.