Members reviewed the draft Working Party report (revised version 5) containing the reforms undertaken by Serbia to its trade regime. They requested clarifications on issues related to policies affecting trade in goods, sanitary and phytosanitary measures, intellectual property rights and regional trade agreements.
The draft Working Party report will be revised for the next meeting to take into account today’s discussions and additional information provided by Serbia.
Members also evaluated the progress made in the on-going bilateral negotiations on market access for goods and services. Serbia has so far signed 9 bilateral agreements. The Working Party Chair, Ambassador Marie-Claire Swärd Capra (Sweden), urged Serbia and WTO Members to finalise as many bilateral agreements as possible in the near future.
Serbia’s State Secretary, Vesna Arsić said that Serbia adopted some of the remaining laws relevant to the accession process. She added that Serbia aimed at finalising negotiations in the shortest time possible. The Working Party Chair stated that the accession process was progressing well.
The next meeting could be scheduled for early 2012.
WTO: Serbia’s accession is steadily moving towards end game
Special Correspondent - 2011-09-30 17:14
At the eleventh meeting of the Working Party on Serbia’s accession, Members supported an early accession of Serbia and welcomed its progress in the implementation of new legislation to comply with WTO rules.