The report commends Kazakh leaders for declaring that the fight against corruption is a top priority and for ratifying the UN Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC). Kazakhstan has also adopted an anti-corruption strategy for 2011-2015 and tasked the country’s Agency for Combating Economic and Corruption Crimes to co-ordinate its implementation. It has also taken important steps to improve business regulations in order to reduce opportunities for corruption.

However, the level of corruption remains very high, especially in the spending of public funds. To address these serious challenges, Kazakhstan should:

  • Making greater use of research and analysis for monitoring the implementation its anti-corruption strategy;

  • Ensure genuine involvement of civil society in anti-corruption policies and actions;

  • Strengthen public sector integrity by, among other measures, preventing the politicisation of the civil service and ensuring the independence of the judiciary and the supreme audit institution;

  • Adopt an access to information law and remove criminal liability for libel;

  • Eliminate loopholes in the public procurement legislation; and

  • Bring Kazakhstan’s criminal legislation in line with the UNCAC, including the adoption of the law on responsibility of legal persons.