Vice-president Pamela Cox and Hasan Tuluy, who will replace her starting January 1st, 2012, were welcomed at the Government Palace by Humala, who talked about his administration’s plans to ensure that the fruits of economic growth are shared by all Peruvians.

“We share President Humala’s priorities in terms of social inclusion, and we have thus committed our support in areas such as social programs, infrastructure, public services, State efficiency,” said Vice-president Cox, while adding that “middle term economic sustainability is linked to export diversification and the creation of added value.”

Together with the Peruvian government, the WB will begin discussions for a new 2012-2016 Country Partnership Strategy whose central theme will be social inclusion under the framework of sustained economic growth.

As a middle-income country (MIC), Peru also seeks financial support, added value from the global experience of the World Bank Group (WBG) and state-of-the-art development knowledge.

The WB has been providing technical assistance for measuring poverty, a results-assessment methodology for anti-poverty programs that condition cash transfers upon using services such as health controls and regular school attendance. This is the case with the “Juntos” program.

The new country partnership strategy between the WB and Peru will result from sector consultations and will be part of the work program undertaken with different multilateral agencies. Consultations involve the government, civil society, as well as grassroots and community social organizations.

There are currently 18 active projects in Peru totaling US$1.9 billion, in areas such as rural electrification, water and sanitation, transport and the social sector.

The new 2012-2016 strategy will also include the country’s rural areas, fostering production activities that promote growth and create jobs for the poor.