As a relatively small, water-scarce, densely populated, and highly-urbanised country, Israel faces pressing environmental challenges. It has made good progress in addressing air pollution, water use and some other environmental challenges.
In the process, Israel has developed a dynamic clean-tech sector. However, the fast pace of economic and population growth intensifies pressures on the environment, including waste generation, habitat degradation and greenhouse gas emissions.
This Review presents 41 recommendations to help address these challenges including:
- Continue to expand the use of environmentally related taxes and market-based instruments, and gradually remove tax concessions that are potentially harmful to the environment.
- Strengthen the mix of policies to support the marketing and diffusion of environment- and climate-related technologies.
- Reinforce environmental liability for damage to natural resources.
- Gradually increase the agricultural and industrial sectors’ share in financing the full costs of water infrastructure.
- Set up a system to monitor greenhouse gas emissions and provide an annual assessment to the Parliament on progress in achieving targets.
- Review current arrangements to manage waste and draw up a comprehensive new policy, possibly including new legislation and an action plan.