Messrs Bhatia and Graham will replace Ms. Lilia Bautista and Ms. Jennifer Hillman whose terms of office expire on 10 December 2011. Ms Bautista had informed the DSB Chairperson that she would not seek reappointment for a second term, and Ms Hillman had informed the DSB Chairperson that she was not requesting the DSB to consider her for reappointment.

The appointments were made according to the Dispute Settlement Understanding (DSU) which stipulates that the Appellate Body shall “comprise persons of recognized authority, with demonstrated expertise in law, international trade and the subject matter of the WTO agreements generally.” The DSU also requires that the Appellate Body membership be broadly representative of the WTO membership. Candidates were nominated by WTO Members and interviewed by a Selection Committee comprising the Director-General, and the Chairpersons of the General Council, the DSB, the Council for Trade in Goods, the Council for Trade in Services and the TRIPS Council. The appointments were made by the DSB on the basis of the Selection Committee’s recommendation and following consultations with WTO Members.