The Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE) has planned to conduct researches in genetic engineering, genome mapping and nano technology to meet the future challenges.

The ICFRE Director General, Dr VK Bahuguna said : “first we will begin with genome mapping and then gene selection and then decide which forest growing species will need transgene for faster growth.”

Regarding the loss of forest cover due to intensive mining, he said : “I would suggest that the technology of underground mining be used to save the forest cover.”

With a view to prepare the nation to meet the challenges of climate change, ICFRE is going to start All India Coordinated Project on Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation and the Role of Forests. The project would monitor the impact of climate change on vegetation in forests and forest hydrology. The study is very vital from the point of ensuring food and water security.

It is proposed to set up a National Task Force on revisiting the forest types of India to prepare base line information on the changes in forests in India. Based on this the forest types would be re-grouped in line with international standards and climate changes monitored.

A major thrust would be given to develop forest based livelihood models for people living in around 170,000 forest fringe villages situated in and around 32 million hectare of forests in the country. A project involving Rs 65 million funded by NRAA, Planning Commission is underway in 200 districts to identify the forest and non-forest land, land use pattern and status of natural resource management.

Research programmes would be undertaken to develop forest-based models of sustainable livelihood for the rural people under Joint Forest Management and for tribal beneficiaries under Forest Rights Act2006 to ensure enhanced productivity from such lands for higher income to the beneficiaries and conservation of forests.

ICFRE would launch programme on Environmental Economics and Forest Accounting for sustainable development and for integrated environmental management. NTFPs and bio-diversity would be the focus.

ICFRE will establish South Asian Forestry Research Institutions Network and provide 10 schorlarships per years to students from South Asian countries in its Forest Research Institute.